Friday, December 15, 2017

Gratitude & Going Off the Grid

Hi lovelies,

Thank you for a glorious day and thank you for the gifts. Taking the time to show appreciation means a lot to me.

I won’t be posting until 2018 so check back then.

Happy Everything to you all.

Love and Light,

Today’s Song: kind of a flash mob situation

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Day 4

When I was younger, we didn't have a lot in terms of money, but my sister and I had no idea how little we had until one holiday morning.  All I wanted that year for Christmas was a Barbie Dream House.  All my sister wanted was matchbox cars.

What we got instead was a shared present - a yellow pencil sharpener...the school kind that can be mounted on the wall.

For years, we sharpened our pencils with that yellow sharpener.

My homework assignments were done with pencils sharpened by that present.

My ACT was taken with pencils sharpened by that present.

My rough draft of college essays were sharpened by that present.

And to this day, that present remains one of the greatest gifts I have ever received.

That is, until after lunch today when I was gifted a plastic bag.

There's a story behind that bag - one that is mine alone - because that bag brought me right back to when I first learned the difference between a present and a gift.

So a huge thank you to the kind soul who gifted me that bag.  It means the world.

More Create Something tomorrow and FINAL MWF DAY.  Keep your presents with you and make sure you're ready for the big reveal.

Love and Light,

Today's Songs:  all over the place

P.S. - Period 5...see you at noon!

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


I love getting a peek into your passions through Create Something. Who do you present yourself as when given no limits. Are you bringing “it” or doing what feels safe? So many projects to applaud but a couple in period 3 took the cake. Future stars???

Have a wonderful Wednesday.

Love and Light,

Today’s Songs: All over the place!! Aretha’s “I Say a Little Prayer”, Kool n the Gang’s “Celebrate” and some Whitney Houston

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Day Two Highlights

There were such highlights from today, and I don't mean to ignore all the effort made, but three words:  George Michael Video.

I'll see y'all tomorrow for more. 

Love and Light,

Today's Songs:  "Celebrate" Pitbull and that aforementioned George Michael video situation.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Create Something Day One

There are few words to describe the creativity that flows forth from y'all.  I find it so exciting (and inspiring) to witness your projects.  From astronauts to hand lotion...WOW.

I look forward to more tomorrow.

Day 2 of MWF.
Day 2 of Create Something.

Love and Light,

Today's Song:  "Africa" by Toto

Friday, December 8, 2017

MWF Starts on Monday

If you signed up for MWF, it begins Monday.  Please stop by class at some point and drop off your small something.  Make sure it is labeled with the person's name and their class period.  The best way (I think) to make the stay secretive is that you either 1) have a friend drop off the gift for you or 2) you secretly place it in the box I will have labeled "MWF".  We will figure it out.

As for ideas, first off, don't stress.  It's fun. 

Secondly, keep it simple and have good intentions.

Here are some ideas of what I would do:

  • baking cookies or a fun treat
  • an inspirational quote a day
  • a compliment
  • a homemade playlist with songs listed for "a good day", "a bad day", "a sad day", etc.
  • a list of good movies
  • a list of book recommendations
  • a piece of something per day that adds up to the real gift on Friday
  • a series of clues/riddles that reveal themselves on Friday
  • a collage of words you think describe them based on what you know
  • a survival kit for finals
  • photographs
  • a picture frame you fashion out of items you have at home
  • a jar that you fill with compliments
  • a flower 
Just some quick ideas.

Have fun and I will see you Monday for CREATE SOMETHING.

Love and Light (and 5 more days!!!!),

Today's Song: Michael Jackson practice to "Beat It"

Thursday, December 7, 2017

A Thousand Thoughts

I have about a thousand thoughts flitting through my brain.  Each one based upon the discussions and points made in class.  What is success, anyway?  Would you choose to be happy over more money?  Where does the greatest asset of wealth (your good health - mental and physical) fit into the equation?  If we're moving the goalpost of success, when will we reach it?  (Shawn Achor)  Do you need to matter to a lot of people?  Or even be remembered by many?  Shouldn't it (as one of my lovely T.A.s emailed) "matter to you"?  I mean, in my estimation it takes maybe two generations before you're simply a name in your own family history.  You will forget me but is that why I teach?  To be remembered?  Or to make a tiny ripple in your life that will manifest itself in a decision neither you or I will even recognize as a game changer.  There is a huge amount of stress on your shoulders to do the "right" thing but the "right" thing varies from situation to situation.  Because every moment is fluid - constantly changing.  Arising, abiding, dissolving.  And because every moment is now.  And every single day is today.  And time is but a human construct.

Before I make my brain melt, I will move on.

But thank you for a solid three days of discussion.  I saw and learned and heard a lot.

MWF.  If you opted to participate, you should have been given your index card today.  The "mysteriousness" commences on Monday 12/11 (the birthday of two lovelies if I'm not mistaken) and wraps up on Friday 12/15 with your reveal.  Email me with questions.

SAS is tomorrow, as you know, so be prepared.

Finally, I have a writing assignment for you.  On Friday, December 15th, please have a 1 page typed piece on the following topic:  Choose a word for 2018 and explain why this is your chosen word for the new year.  I thought I would go ahead and tell you now so you would have some time to think on it and meet the deadline.  Times New Roman, double spaced, size 12 font.

Love and Light,

P.S. - Here's a 2004 TED Talk from Gladwell to supplement your experience with Outliers.

Today's Song: Alan Jackson "Neon Rainbow"

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Outliers Day 2

Ahh, Day 2.  Thanks for listening to the latest updates on the fun in my household...poor Rosabelle.  Such is life.

Your discussions were great though, and I appreciate that very much.  Tomorrow is one last day of chatting so come to class ready to address a few key points:

  • your definition of success
  • your cultural legacy
  • your tendencies, assumptions and reflexes
  • what do you value?
I'll see you tomorrow with hopefully no more stories!

Love and Light,

Today's Song(s): Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" -period 1, "Somebody to Love" - all other classes

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Outliers Day 1

Just Bravo.

I’m excited for more tomorrow.

More voices, more thoughts, more everything.

Love and Light,

Today’s Song: Marvin Gaye “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”

Monday, December 4, 2017

Safety Scissors Aren't So Safe After All

Happy Monday, Lovelies.

Thank you for your work on the Multiple Choice today (anyone absent can get a copy tomorrow to complete at home).  The passage really is one of my favorites because of that last paragraph.

We also submitted grades and confirmed participation in MWF.  If you were absent, please email me your grade and let me know if you want to be partnered up for the MWF exchange.

Tomorrow you need to come to class having read Gladwell's Outliers.  We will enter the proverbial arena with our first discussion ready.

Friday, of course, is SAS and then WE GET TO DO CREATE SOMETHING.  I am a bit excited.  Hope you are too.

Here's hoping no more hair gets cut in my household.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Elton John "Tiny Dancer"

Friday, December 1, 2017

A Fun Yet Strange Friday

Seeing y'all bust out some choreography literally made me happy.  So thank you for that.  Spilling my coffee in period 2 and having my projector bulb blow period 4, not so happy.  But all is well in the world again. 

I did TOTALLY FORGET today is the last day of the 6 weeks (shout out Sally and Grace for reminding me).  As such, could you please EMAIL ME by Sunday (let's say noon) so I can enter your requested grades.  Please send me a number (88, 92, 85, etc.).

Thank you and much appreciation for a great (if not, wonky) week.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: practice to Michael Jackson's "Beat It"

Thursday, November 30, 2017

A Little Practice with Q2

Thanks for working with the Q2 from today.  If you didn't have the chance to finish the things I asked of you in class, please just turn it in tomorrow.

We have SAS to look forward to (Be ready all of you ) and then Monday is some practice M/C and Tuesday we get to begin discussing Outliers.  I will be posting some discussion questions for the week on Monday night to help guide the class talks but you are also more than welcome to discuss items that aren't on my list.

Please DO NOT SHOW UP unprepared for the class discussions.  Silence, in that case, will be seen as a telltale sign that you didn't read. 

Wish me good sleep!

Love and Light,

Today's Song: BTS "Mic Drop"

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Writing Day One

The writing tips began today with a focus on embedding quotes and syntax improvement tomorrow.  I implore you all to just read.  It's the best way to become a better writer.  I PROMISE.

Tomorrow we will be working with a Q2 from last year's test.  I will make copies for you so just come to class with a pen and a willing to work attitude.

Thanks for all the effort.  It is noted and appreciated.  Let's turn some Civics into Teslas over the course of the year.

Love and Light,

P.S. - Create Something sign up lists were posted at advisory today

Today's Song: Michael Jackson's "Beat It"

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Counselor Meeting Day

Thank you for meeting with your counselors today. I hope it was helpful...

I look forward to actually teaching tomorrow and helping you with some tips for improving your writing.  In order to prepare for class, please read and print THIS document.  We will be using it in class.

Thursday we will be doing a little bit of practice writing and of course, Friday is SAS.

Don't forget to finish Outliers!

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Cyndi Lauper "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"

Monday, November 27, 2017

Welcome Back

Ahh, the best thing about returning to school after Thanksgiving Break (aside from you lovelies) is the fact that we have 3 weeks before another glorious vacation.

Thanks for literally showing up even though it's tough to do. 

Today we poured over some MC and noticed patterns or areas of weakness in our tests.  Thanks for creating that chart and giving some info to inform my teaching.

Tomorrow you will be meeting with your counselors (but come to class first and we will go from there).  Additionally, I reminded you of a few things:  SAS Friday, Outliers read by class on Monday 12/4 (though we won't discuss until the next day), Create Something sign ups will be posted THIS Wednesday but all projects are due for submission on Monday 12/11. 

And think about MWF...want to do it? 

Have a great rest of your day (and bring some work for after your a book, work on ISJ, look up SAS topics, etc.)

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Tom Petty "The Waiting"

Friday, November 17, 2017


To Remember:

- Surprise lunch visitors (including two who own my heart)
- Thoughtful gifts in the forms of letters and food
- Authentic laughter and knowing glances
- Quality conversations
- Safely arriving home

I wish you all a beautiful and happy vacation.  May all good things flow your way. See y'all after break!

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Broken Halos" Chris Stapleton

Thursday, November 16, 2017

My Favorite Day of The Year

I think it is crucial to our happiness and our humanity to be the light and not the darkness in this divided, hot mess of a world.  I think most people are good and when we "err in the direction of kindness", we open our hands to "think[ing] higher" and "feel[ing] deeper" as Elie Wiesel would say. 

My life has been full of what people would call obstacles.  I should not be where I am today considering the odds stacked against a little brown girl from a small town in Texas.  But all the experiences have led me here to this school, on this day, and I am so grateful that I get to see you all write notes to one another. 

Watching you read them brought a lot of joy to this old heart of mine.

Thank you for that.

I hope today was a favorite one for you too.

Love and Light (and long live Post-Its),

Today's Song: "Luxury" Jon Bellion

P.S. - HUGE SHOUT OUT to Ms. Meier for stopping by!!
P.P.S. - SAS tomorrow

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Interesting Stuff Journals

Today we learned about ISJ's and while I could blather on and on about why it is so crucial, I won't.  See me with questions and I CAN'T WAIT FOR TOMORROW!!!

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Make Me Like You" Gwen Stefani

Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Drew Dudley's TED Talk is magnificent.  I hope you enjoyed it.  Go do as he says and say thank you to the giants in your life.  I'm sure there are plenty...after all, you are pretty magnificent kiddos.

Tomorrow have a blank journal/notebook.  So important.

Thursday is DRESS NICELY DAY. I cannot wait.

Enjoy your Tuesday!

Love and Light,

Today's Song:  "Lollipop" The Chordettes

Monday, November 13, 2017

Happy MCM

Happy Multiple Choice Monday, lovelies.  I hope today's practice helped you in some way.  If you have any questions after reviewing the annotated sheet I gave you, please stop by during lunch or Advisory tomorrow.

This week proves to be fabulous.  Tomorrow we get to enjoy a beautiful TED Talk, Wednesday you need a blank spiral/notebook and Thursday is THE day.  Ahhhhhhhhhh!  Make sure you "dress nicely".  Open your hands, people. 

Today's school based gratitudes (made public) - Thor and his voice, Sean and the door, all the Post-Its.  Thank you for making this room a beautiful place. 

I'll see y'all tomorrow. 

Love and Light,

"Life is not a fist.  Life is an open hand waiting for some other hand to enter it." ~Elie Wiesel

Today's Song: "Gone Country" Alan Jackson

Friday, November 10, 2017

Veterans Day Post

Hi, Lovelies -

I hope your Friday is going well.  I am grading essays and realizing that I need to do some specific instruction regarding Q2.  As such, I will be handing back your papers after Thanksgiving Break and using that week before Outliers to address some common "errors" I am seeing in your writing.  I think the great news is that so many of you are so close to breaking through in terms of your writing.  We just need to get a bit "old school" and do more than just look at our essays and say "Oh, Beltran wrote this," and then move on. 

I really want you all to become better writers in terms of where you are now. 

Just wanted to update you so no one gets bummed that the essays will be returned later than originally announced.  (Though I hope you are so busy enjoying life that these essays are the least of your concerns.)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend...I have some more reading to do.

Love and Light,

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Happy 3 Day

I hope you were able to use the time given today to read the glorious piece from Brain Pickings (it's linked in the previous post for anyone absent).

If you didn't finish your "reflection" you can turn it in on Monday or just email me.

Some announcements/reminders:

  • On Monday, have some Post-Its
  • Next Wednesday, you need a blank notebook/spiral
  • Next Thursday is "Dress Up Nicely" Day...we will be taking a class photo and...
  • Next Friday we do have SAS so please be prepared
I think that's it.  I hope you all enjoy the day off tomorrow and are looking forward to a peaceful holiday break.  I am a big fan of gratitude and I am forever grateful that I get to do what I love at a school that gifts me such beautiful students.

P.S. - MAD RESPECT for Sawyer whose body rolls are beyond description.  Wow.  

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "I Would Do Anything For You" Foster the People

Brain Pickings

Today in class you are expected to read this piece from Brain Pickings.  After reading, please write a reflection piece that includes your thoughts on the past 2 days.  Leave it in the tray at the end of class.

Love and Light,

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

All We Did Was Read

The power of words. Enough said.

Tomorrow we will write a bit and read some.

Enjoy the moment.

Love and Light,

Today’s Song: “Stuck Like Glue” Sugarland

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

TED Talk #10

Oliver Sacks is definitely the man.  Though his TED Talk (accessible HERE) might not have been everyone's cup of tea, there is no doubt the man was amazing.  What's not as amazing is that many of you showed up to class not having researched Dr. Sacks.  Keep in mind the value of context with new rhetors. 

Live and learn, I suppose.

Tonight, peruse Brain Pickings and read the pieces on Dr. Sacks.  He is worth your time.  I promise.

Tomorrow we will be reading some of his work.  That, too, is worth your time.

And a HUGE thank you to those who donated Post-Its. 

Love and Light,

Today's Song: The Emotions "Best of My Love" (a repeat because it's so fun)

Monday, November 6, 2017

Multiple Choice #4 & Empty Your Cup

Happy Monday, Lovelies.  Thank you for your effort today and for putting up with my nuttiness (particularly periods 3 & 4).

Today you learned about yet another MC strategy.  Feel free to use it if you find yourself in a time crunch.  Always work smarter.  (The strategy is copied below.)

This week we will be entering the land of Dr. Oliver Sacks.  I'm moderately excited...he's a pretty amazing human being.  Tomorrow we will watch his TED Talk, and the next two days of our short week will be spent with his words and words written about him.  PREPARE YOUR HEARTS.

No SAS this week but be ready on the 17th.

Oh, I still need lots and lots of Post-Its.  Pretty please.

Have a great Monday.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Pat Benatar "Hit Me With Your Best Shot"

 Exam Strategy 2
 * MC is always a combination of easy, medium, and hard questions for each passage.
 * Questions generally follow the chronology of the passage rather than transition from easiest to hardest or vice versa.
 * CHOOSE which questions to answer and which ones to skip and THEN GO BACK.

 * DO a quick check of the number of the question and the number on the Scantron every time you see a zero (10, 20, 30, and so on). 

Friday, November 3, 2017

Essay #1

Happy Friday, Lovelies.  I wish you a beautiful and peaceful weekend...I just gathered up the essays from the trays and need to give a HUGE SHOUT OUT to two class periods because y'all followed directions.  You either wrote in pen or you typed your essay.  So thank you.

Thank you, periods 2 and 3 for writing your essays in pen or for typing them.  I appreciate it (as do my 41 year old eyes...20 years of reading essays, y'all.)

Also, BRAVO to you all for the two-stepping today.  IT.  WAS.  EPIC.

Look forward to a glorious short week and to some seriously delicious food for your brains in the form of dear Oliver Sacks.

See y'all on Monday...

Love and Light,

Today's Song: George Strait "Amarillo By Morning"

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Paper Due Tomorrow

Hi, Lovelies -

Just a quick reminder about tomorrow and a few announcements for the next 2 weeks (in case any of you are planners). 

Tomorrow, please have the Q2 Chavez Essay in final draft format (neat handwriting and pen - blue would be ideal).  You will be turning the work into your class tray at the beginning of class.  I will be returning the essays with feedback on Monday 11/13.  Please give me some time to go through each with the respect they deserve.  I don't want your work to be a waste of time.

After papers have been turned in, we will launch into SAS.  Some classes still have first round presenters and others don't.  Either way, BE READY.

As for upcoming doopy do's...On Monday, 11/13 (the day I return essays and we attack MC #5) you will need a pad of Post-It notes.  Any of you able to donate any?  Bring extra to class.  On Wednesday, 11/15, you will need an empty spiral or notebook for binders.  If you need help with this request, email me.   

I think that's it for now...

Love and Light,

Today's Song: George Strait "All My Exes Live in Texas" 

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Game 7

Shorter post than usual.

Thanks for your work today starting the Rhetorical Analysis essay.  Bring all notes, work, texts to class tomorrow as I am giving you class time to write and collaborate.

Much love and light,

Today's Song: "Friends in Low Places" Garth Brooks

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

TED Talk Tuesday Spooktacular

Happy Halloween, Lovelies.

Be safe out there if you do go "out there" and have fun.

Today's TED Talk, delivered by comedian Maz Jobrani, approaches stereotyping from a humorous angle.  Rewatch and annotate the transcript as usual.

Tomorrow have your Chavez precis and an annotated text.  We will do a little learning on how to write an essay.  I promise you some writing time after a mini-lesson.  I have also allocated writing time on Thursday.  Paper due FRIDAY.

Thanks for all your effort.  I appreciate you.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Zac Brown Band "Chicken Fried"

Monday, October 30, 2017

Cesar Chavez

The fact that Cesar Chavez left school in the 7th grade astonishes me.  His words are being read by college bound students and were chosen to be a part of the 2015 exam.  WOW.

Today in class (after some country music!) you worked on annotating and examining the Chavez text.  By Wednesday, have a rhetorical precis written as well as have the text "Adler-ed" up.  We will be discussing it in class and starting to write a Rhetorical Analysis essay. 

If you are interested in what a "6" looks like per AP, find Q2 model essays by googling "AP Language Free Response Model Essays 2015".  It will help with your own writing.

I'll see y'all tomorrow for a TED Talk.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Alright" Darius Rucker

Friday, October 27, 2017

Really Great SAS Today

Dear Lovelies,

Thank you for your effort today.  Everyone's presentation from period 1 through period 5 was engaging and interesting and thoughtful.  I very much appreciate that. 

Thank you also for remembering the presentation format.  Saying good morning/good afternoon, having a visual, explaining your topic well (including what it is, why you picked it and your SOURCE), asking if there are any questions and saying "Thank You" instead of "So, yeah" or "Umm...".

For class on Monday please have background information on Cesar Chavez.  To be clear, that means using the questions from the Rhetorical Triangle worksheet (the column that has 6 questions about the "Speaker") and having the answers. 

We will be annotating a text from Chavez so you need to show up ready.

Have a great and happy weekend.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Bryan Adams "Summer of '69"

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Bruno Mars Lives in My Mind Palace

"Welcome", Bruno says while adjusting his gold sparkly jacket.  "Welcome to the Sassy Syntax Room."


Sorry if you think using Joshua Foer's suggestions to create a room devoted entirely to syntax is ridiculous, but it works.  It really does.  Especially if you are planning on taking the AP test in May or even if you are hoping to become a better, more mindful writer.

Things to consider with today's lesson:  periodic vs. loose sentences, what is syntax (sentence construction and word order), and how does the sentence arrangement contribute to meaning and effect?  How does the sentence arrangement help the rhetor achieve his/her purpose?

To be clear, what we are attempting to do here in AP Language is to outfit your "toolbox" with different devices and techniques should you choose to use them in your own writing.  On the AP test, identifying and analyzing these devices and syntactical choices has nothing to do with your own writing ability.  Some among us are naturally gifted writers, but most of us are just trying to improve.

If you are interested in the whole of MLK's Letter, you can access it here.  It really is a beautiful piece of writing that sadly remains timely in light of racial strife present still in 2017. 

Tomorrow we will be enjoying SAS so be prepared especially in classes where everyone has already presented.

As a heads up, on Monday, you will be expected to have background information on Cesar Chavez.  We will reading a piece by him and annotating like APES (AP English students).  You will also be attempting your first rhetorical analysis essay that will be due Friday 11/3.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: excerpt from Superbowl Halftime Show featuring Bruno Mars and Queen B

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

So Happy Together

Seeing that horrible accident on the 8 this morning really affected me.  I don't know who the man was who died on the freeway, but seeing his lone shoe with the laces askew made me wake up in a way.  He put on his shoes as we all did today and never once did he think about it being his last day

Thanks (especially to period 1) for being patient with my rattled self.  And thanks to Maddie for the song.  I appreciate you writing and working on analysis in class.  The work is never done.

Tomorrow, know how tall Bruno Mars is.  For real.  And be ready to feed your brain.

Be safe.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: The Turtles "So Happy Together"

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

P.S. Post #2 of the Day

Be Weird. 

And Post-Its.


Go Cubs.

Ted Talk Tuesday - A Two For One

Thank you for your attention this ridiculously hot day.  Make sure you stay hydrated, especially you lovelies, period 5!

We watched two TED Talks, the first by Tom Thum and the second by the incomparable Reggie Watts.  Rewatch and annotate the transcripts.  You should have 8 total TED Talks as of today.  Also, please don't forget to add the talks to your TED Talk chart.  See a classmate if you have no idea what I am talking about.

The next week and a half we will be entering the land of Rhetorical Analysis so I'm going to expect you to have your copy of the 6 pages I posted last Friday as well as the first set of devices you were given for the Rhetorical Devices Project.  To prepare for class, you will also want the Rhetorical Triangle document (the one with the triangle at the top and the columns of questions below...this was also previously posted on the bliggity blog). 

I will be handing out a couple more documents tomorrow in class.  And for you planners out there, you will be doing research this weekend on both Martin Luther King, Jr. and Cesar Chavez.  If you want a head start, you can begin researching these 2 rhetors now.  Next Monday you will be annotating a new text and by next Wednesday you will have to have devices identified and explained.  We will be writing on Wednesday and Thursday of next week with a "paper" due Friday 11/3.  (As in November when I hope to the heavens we will have Fall weather!)

SAS resumes this Friday so make sure you are prepared. 

What else?  Oh, yes, one more thing.  I need Post-It Notes.  Like A LOT.   Pads of Post-Its PLEASE.  Donations welcome. 

Love and Light,
Beltran (an office supply addict with a plan)

Today's Song: "Feel It Still" Portugal the Man

Monday, October 23, 2017

Gratitude Goes a Long Way

Happy Monday, lovelies.  Thank you for your presence in class and your effort on today's M/C.  I gave you a couple deadlines and book titles, so make sure you know to read Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers by Monday, December 4th and read Strunk & White's The Elements of Style.  I told you how to access that last one online.  Cough cough.

As far as MC goes, Strategy #1 is below:
 Exam Strategy 1
 * Scan the number of questions and divide the number by two. For example, if there are 54 questions, and you have 60 minutes to finish, you should be around question 27 after 30 minutes.
 * Divide the time by the number of passages. For example, if you have four passages to read and one hour to complete the exam, you should allot 15 minutes to each passage.

 * YOU must take responsibility for managing YOUR time on the exam.
I'll see y'all tomorrow for TED Talk Tuesday...
Love and Light,
Today's Song: Corrine Bailey's "Put Your Records On"

P.S. - If you made a Spotify playlist for the blackout poetry, would you email me so I can listen to the songs??

Friday, October 20, 2017

Fun Friday

Although today was sad in the sense that we had to bid farewell to Ms. Meier, your work on the Blackout Poetry was great to see.  I think it says a lot that when you are given the freedom to choose, you can create meaningful work that matters.  Authentic learning is fun.  Period. 

You did an awesome job...and I will remember this day's class for a long time.  (Perhaps part of that has to do with the dancing like Napoleon...if you want to relive the dance, check out the scene HERE.)

Next week we will continue the journey.

Love and Light and Go Cubs forever,

Today's Song: I don't know what to call it...but if you were here, Vote for Pedro!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Lyrics and Such - Dia Dos

Thanks for the work today, lovelies.  If you need to reference Ms. Meier's powerpoint, please access it HERE.  I'd ask you to let me know if the link doesn't work, but I cannot lie.  I will be offline; it's October baseball and against all odds, the Cubbies are still playing.  I have a feeling this is the last time I will be watching them play for a while so...

Come to class tomorrow with your blackout poetry and your precis.  You will be participating in a Gallery Walk of sorts and then presenting your work.

We can't wait!!

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Let's Dance" David Bowie

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Song Lyrics and Such

Thanks for the attention to Ms. Meier today. You should appear in class tomorrow with your lyrics annotated and your singer researched.

Every song has a story (and likely a story behind the story).

Tomorrow Ms. Meier will lead you in the work for the project. It will be presented Friday in lieu of SAS.

Friday will also be Ms. Meier's last day in Room 853 so...

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Elton John's "Bennie and the Jets"

P. S. If the Cubs lose let me sulk in peace.
P.P.S. - Box of free stuff on the table with class trays. Take what you want for the rest shall be donated.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

TED Talk Tuesday *UPDATED*

***Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell needs to be read by December 4th. Read at your own pace! Copies in the library.. ***

Joshua Foer's TED Talk was viewed today. I hope you heard what he said about the importance of remembering. It matters. And goes far beyond memorizing facts for tests.

Be Cicero...topic to topic, not word for word.

Tomorrow have your 2 copies of your song following the format Ms. Meier showed you. It should prove to be a fun day as we are both excited to see what songs you pick.

Sadly, Ms. Meier's last day will be Friday so make sure you bring your best effort to class for her.

See y'all tomorrow.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Free Fallin' " Tom Petty

P.S. I said I would email period 1 but there's a Cubs game on. I won't be online tonight.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Kudos to You

Hi, Lovelies -

Thank you for your attention to Ms. Meier today as she did her lesson on annotating with the excerpt from Pride and Prejudice.  Access to the powerpoint can be accessed HERE.  Make sure to look at it if you were absent or you just want to review.

As a "student" in the back, it was GREAT to hear some new voices especially in period 1.  YES.  And as a "student" in the back, it was awesome to see that a majority of you had annotated the devices document posted Friday and had flashcards.  If you weren't prepared, make sure you show up prepared tomorrow.

If you liked the Austen excerpt, check her out.  She was a rockstar writer and super snarky in her snappy syntax.  Everything is recycled and repurposed so Emma and the movie "Clueless" and Pride and Prejudice and the movie "Bridget Jones Diary" are the same story.  Also, keep in mind that AP Central looooooooves Jane Austen.  (By the way, anyone pick up on the connection between Austen as a pop culture icon and another rhetor who was all about pop culture??)

Anyhoo, show up tomorrow for TED Talk Tuesday with your precis or "fancy thinking" on the Austen piece.  Ms. Meier expects it in the class tray.

On Wednesday, you need to show up with 2 copies of APPROPRIATE song lyrics.  One copy should be the regular one that has stanzas/chunks.  The second copy should have NO line breaks on it.  If this doesn't make sense, ask in class tomorrow, okay?

This week we won't be hosting SAS (it will resume on the 27th) but you will be presenting a little something something based on Wednesday's lesson regarding song lyrics.


Love and Light,

Today's Song: "All By Myself" Celine Dion and (for Period 4 & 5) the dance scene from "Pride and Prejudice"

Friday, October 13, 2017

12 More Weeks - A Long Post

The first grading period is officially done which means you have about 12 more weeks before your first semester as a junior is finished.  Whoa. 

Time definitely flies when you're...

...aiming for the stars...
...clenching your fists...
...reading with a renewed passion...
...still acting like you're in 10th grade...
...building with your legos...
...staring vacantly into a bin of pieces you've yet to put together...

I could go on, but I will simply say thank you to owners of open (and opening) hands.  I see you. 

In an effort to get you started on the right foot for class on Monday, please print THIS.  It's a 6 page document with tons of devices organized in categories.  I know most of you know that I expect more than just printing it, but to help the rest of y'all out, let me be explicit.

1.  Print (or copy) the document.
2.  Read through the document with a pen or pencil (no highlighters, remember?) and annotate any terms you don't know.
3.  Make flashcards and start learning them.  (The best way to do this is to write out the terms, define them with the official dictionary definition, rewrite it in your own words and create some sort of example that you'll remember...the sillier the better.)
4.  Review them in chunks and keep the list/flashcards handy when you're reading new texts.

And while I'm on the subject of how to complete the Monday requirements, let me reiterate the expectations for annotating and SAS.

When you get any text (be it in class or for homework or on a test) the first thing you do is draw the Rhetorical Triangle.  After that, scan the text looking for characteristics (think the 5 Canons).  Pay attention to where the text is from (magazine, newspaper, website, etc.) and when it was written (context).  Obviously read it with a pen/pencil in hand (Adler it up) looking for devices, shifts, tone, point of view, etc. (Have you memorized the Rhetorical Triangle worksheet that has all those questions on it?) Reread if necessary for comprehension AND THEN DO YOUR RESEARCH.  Write down your findings on the text. 

All this is what you should do if you're an AP student.  That = prepared for class.  So whenever I write, say, mime, or sing "Be prepared for class," that's what I mean.

As for SAS, do not waste anyone's time showing up unprepared.  Do not ask asinine questions for the sake of hearing your own voice.  Do not start your presentation informally.  Do not end your presentations with "Uhh, yeah," or "So, yeah."  Do not forget your visual.

(Did you notice all the negativity? Ick...let's try that again.)

As for SAS, show up prepared.  Ask quality questions.  Start your presentations with a greeting and your name.  End your presentations with "thank you".  Have a visual.

(That's better.)

A thousand thanks for the quality SAS presentations Ms. Meier and I got to hear today. We are both waiting to follow that new blog that needs to be created...cough cough. 

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "All Star" Smash Mouth & a random afternoon class selection

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Full Circle

I'm just as guilty as the next meatsuit when it comes to the example Brene Brown mentions in her TED Talk "The Power of Vulnerability".  Remember it?  The one where you cling to the one "area of improvement" your boss mentions and forget all about the thousand other things you're doing right.

Yep.  That's pretty much me.

Try as I might, I replay over and over the one negative part of my day or the one silly thing I said or the one thing I could have done better.

And then the universe decides to send me a wink...a little swirl of magic to remind me that in order to stand in the light you have to look for it.  Maybe even walk over and flip the switch.  Perhaps light a candle instead of cursing the darkness.

Thank you for the honest evaluations.  A few were not what I would have given you, but most were right on point.

I'll see you tomorrow for SAS!

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Under Pressure" Queen (those lyrics!)

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Wise Words from a Junior

(Before I forget, here's the link to Ms. Meier's powerpoint.  Hope it works.  You should check it out and add it to your mind palace.)

Today (depending on which class you're in), we discussed our Klosterman annotations and wrote a precis for the introduction.  If you didn't finish the precis, have it ready to turn in tomorrow.

Since Ms. Meier taught some of the periods, I had the chance to finish reading emails and writing on the Zander inspired question I posed:  Who are you being as a student in Room 853?

One kiddo wrote something so beautiful and haunting that it needs to be shared.

"Why aim for anything less than the stars?"

So true.  

What's the point of half heartedly doing something?

What's the point of being "good enough"?

Why does the concept "bare minimum" even exist as an option for us?

Like Klosterman, I, too, sense a shift throughout the day.  And my only wish is that all of my students could be flies on the wall and see what I see, hear what I hear, read what I read (in terms of emails and writings).  Perhaps then they would all be able to understand that as a conductor, I am only as good as the players in my orchestra.

Tomorrow you reflect on what you deserve for the first 6 weeks.  

If you're prone to feeding that big green monster of envy, be forewarned.  Tomorrow, you will look yourself in the eye and own what kind of a student you actually are.  

Love and Light,

Today's Songs: "Ants Marching" Dave Matthews Band (periods 1 and 2) & "Friends" Theme Song "I'll Be There for You" The Rembrandts

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

TED Talk Tuesday

Benjamin Zander.

My word. It's amazing to me how any subject can be engaging if the rhetor knows how to weave a tale. Today's TED Talk is one that makes me think and reconsider my views on all genres of music - not just classical. If you were absent, just search up Zander.  TED. The Transformative Power of Classical Music.

Annotate the transcript.
Own the piece.

For periods 4 and 5, send an email with your answer to the question I posed. Periods 1-3, I'll be reading your responses tonight.

Tomorrow have your annotated Klosterman text. AND LOOK UP THE RHETOR PLEASE.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Sir Duke" Stevie Wonder

Monday, October 9, 2017

Did You Manage?

Of course you did! The magic that happens in Room 853 is dependent upon you - your energy, your joy, your choices. Sorry I had to

I'll be back tomorrow ready to share another TED Talk and Lego pieces.

See y'all soon.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: You tell me!!

Friday, October 6, 2017

Rockin' SAS Today

Thanks for such a great SAS day. I love seeing personalities and hearing your voices. Thanks for the work.

Make sure you're reflecting on your 6 weeks grade. Are you this class' version of an "A" student? Are you exceptional? Above average? Average? Interesting points to ponder since you're "A" quality human beings but you're not assessing your humanity here.

Have a happy weekend and be safe.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "I'm Amazed" by My Morning Jacket and "All -Star" by Smash Mouth for our special surprise guest.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Love on Top

what is stronger
than the human heart
which shatters over and over
and still lives

~rupi kaur, page 109

Like Meena Alexander, rupi kaur's writing is reflective of her human condition.  With relative ease, Alexander and kaur both string words together to construct beauty and meaning.  At first glance, both are just stories - just poems.  But upon further examination they are our stories of heartache, our stories of loss, our stories of fear,  our stories of change.  (See what I did there?)

Tomorrow you are expected to have your rhetorical precis for Fault Lines.  That will be turned in when you arrive to class.

I hope to see some of your people tonight at Open House.  It runs from 6-8pm!  (And, y'all Grey's Anatomy is is all about difficult choices.)

Anyhoo, read and write and dance and live and learn.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Beyonce's "Love on Top" with a little "Halo" and slo mo dancing for some classes...

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

the sun and her flowers

Page 109

My world just exploded.

There are no coincidences.




Fault Lines

Today we got the opportunity to dance, connect and read a fabulous piece from Meena Alexander.  Any of you absent can grab a hard copy tomorrow.

Make sure you examine the rhetorical devices in the piece and consider how the fractured self is represented in not only Alexander's stylistic and rhetorical choices but in her arrangement of the piece as well.

I got to be a student in periods 4 and 5 today since Ms. Meier took the reins, and I have to say, I had fun thinking and discussing.  So shout out to the groups that let me join them.  Thank you.

Tomorrow, have the text annotated.  You will be working in groups to flesh out a rhetorical precis.  And just as you wouldn't show up to a party undressed, don't show up to class unprepared.

Love and Light,

Today's Songs (depending on class period): MKTO "Classic" or The Beatles "Yellow Submarine"

P.S. - Rupi Kaur's new book came out yesterday...Sigh.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Picasso Wasn't Picasso Until He Became Picasso *UPDATED*

Today's TED Talk by Sir Kenneth Robinson resonates deeply with me as a lifelong learner and teacher. I am so biased when it comes to education.  I went to a pretty ordinary middle school in Texas that had extraordinary teachers and a very progressive and innovative approach to learning.  In 6th grade I was selected to be a part of a new class called "Autonomous Learners" taught by veteran teacher Vicky Murry.  It was to be a class composed of multiple grades (6th, 7th, 8th) and the curriculum was guided by our teacher but what we got to learn was up to us.  Basically Independent Study with no fear of grades or such nonsense.

In that class I studied everything from authors to artists to scientists to engineering to math to whatever sparked my curiosity.  It's when I fell in love with language and probably why I became a teacher.

It was magical.

Then I went to teach in typical schools with my atypical approach.

And here we are.

Consider what Robinson says...Consider what Annie Dillard says in The Writing Life.  "How we spend our days is of course how we spend our lives."

How are you spending your days?  Chasing your dreams or chasing your tail (my cat Rosabelle does this consistently and while cute for her furry self, not so cute for us humans.)

Think of the countless hours Prince spent playing music, creating music, living music.  Think of Picasso and his art.  Think of Pulisic and his foot skills.  Think of your packets.

This is water.  This is water.  This is water.

On December 11th, you will present your CREATE SOMETHING projects.  The goal?  A creation born from an "original idea that [has] value".

If you want to rewatch the music video of George Harrison's induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, feel free.  And here is a great read from The New York Times that ran after Prince's tragic death in 2016.

I'll see you tomorrow for some learning.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "While My Guitar Gently Weeps"

Monday, October 2, 2017

The Day Today

I'm just a kinder person as the day goes on. 

By lunch, I remember that this class is not the end all be all, so apologies if I come off as if English is the most important thing in your life.  I know it isn't, but neither is History or Math or Bio.  I do know, though, that if you aren't keeping up with the work you're going to have a heck of a time catching up. 

So decide. 


As for today, we wrote (Empty Your Cup), we quizzed (rhetorical devices), we read a Rupi Kaur piece, we got introduced to the precis.  (What's that rhetorical device when you purposefully omit a conjunction??)

As for tonight, read some Milk and Honey, watch the 60 Minutes segment on the soccer player from last night, study your devices and the precis format, and dance party it up to your favorite song.

Tomorrow is another day.  Another day to do better. 

After all, "when we know better, we do better."

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Smokey Robinson "I Second That Emotion"

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Happy October

Hi, lovelies -

I hope each of you is enjoying a beautiful and peaceful day.  Happy October 1st.

I just wanted to drop by and give you a bit of a heads up regarding your grades for the first 6 weeks.  The "grading" period ends on Friday the 13th (so very fitting) and I wanted you to start thinking about what you honestly think you deserve. 

Last year I learned a lot about the chasm between delusion and reality when my then juniors (now seniors) did grade reflections and some of the slackiest slackers of students self-assigned A's.  I was angry and disappointed and basically incredulous.  In an effort to spare my heart this go 'round, look at the checklist below and consider whether or not you meet all the minimums.  Let's say you don't.  YOU SHOULD NOT GIVE YOURSELF AN "A".  

If you do meet the "bare minimum", then consider what that means.  Minimum as in "good enough"?  I know I'm not a student anymore (at least not the same as you) but I don't think you can claim to be an "A" student in Room 853 unless you've done your absolute best AND it's also good by academic standards (i.e., high quality, non-BS work).

For example, let's say you have emailed me the minimum number of think about the QUALITY of those emails. 

Let's say you have annotated all the TED Talk think about how they compare to Ms. Meier's or mine.

Let's say you took the Multiple Choice Diagnostic and you got less than 6 or 7 correct. 

Stuff like that.

Also consider what the ever sagacious (do you know that word?) Maya Angelou says about our behavior.  According to her, we teach people how to treat us.  I know I make a thousand mistakes a day, but it's usually because I'm not thinking or I haven't had a chance to "be still and know".  So, please.  I implore you to stop and pause and really think before you assign yourself a grade that we both know you don't deserve quite yet.


  • TED Talks - rewatching videos, taking quality notes, annotating transcripts
  • Class annotations of various texts (How To Mark a Book, Passports to Understanding, Stability in Motion...)
  • Class Participation (how many times have you commented on the blog?, how many times have you volunteered to present?, how often do you ask/answer questions in class?, how often do you contribute to class discussions?)
  • Emails (I asked for an email by Friday of Week 1 and then I asked for a bare minimum of 2 emails/week after our Recalibration Day on TH 9/14...Have you met or exceeded that expectation?) And just so you know, this is an area where most of you fall incredibly short either because you don't email at all, not enough, or the content is lacking.  Think of this category as if I asked you to turn in a piece of writing twice a week.  Have you?  Is it good?  
  • Work (Did you write a piece on "how you see"?, did you complete the Rhetorical Devices Project adhering to the expectations that included a MLA formatted list of your 24 devices, did you write a 2016 haiku?, do you have your AP test prep book?)
  • Do you know the 5 Canons, the Rhetorical Triangle and its discussion questions, the first round of 23 rhetorical devices?
Now reflect and honestly answer the following question:  What grade are you self-assigning for the first 6 weeks and why?

Hasta Manana,

Friday, September 29, 2017

Week Five Is In The Books

I kind of had a moment when I realized today during 5th period that we are entering Week 6 as a class.  How can that be?  It seems like we just met yet possess the familiarity of family.  Fascinating.

Thank you for the great presentations today.  I learned more about interesting topics and got an even deeper glimpse into personalities and personas. 

In an effort to prepare for next week, REVIEW YOUR RHETORICAL DEVICES.  You know better than me how you learn so make flashcards or quizlets or lists.  Whatever it takes because on Monday you need to know the 23 terms you used on your projects.  Trust me.

Have a great weekend and I'll see you in October.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Earth, Wind and Fire "September"

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Haiku History

Today's lesson centered around allusions and puns - the concept of memory. Knowing Stuff About Stuff. Thanks so much for being willing to learn and look up references. The more you know...

Don't roll around in ignorance. Like a pig in mud...

AP readers love "minds at work". So work hard.

Tomorrow is SAS and ONE haiku will be shared per class. (Haiku on the year 2016)


See y'all then.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Mumford and Sons "The Cave"

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Thus It Begins

A dear senior sent me an email with these exact words after hearing that we were presenting Rhetorical Devices. 

Thus it begins.

I think what he meant by that is the notion that the foundation has been introduced.  You know about water and circles and how you, the real work begins in whether or not you are opening your hands and doing the heavy lifting in this deceptively simple class that neither has grades or traditional homework.

Thus it begins.

A dear junior said to me after one particular class that I "subtweeted" them.  Perhaps.  But there isn't a chance on this beautiful earth that any of you will get away with mediocrity.  The opposite of love is indifference, and I care deeply about your success.  Why?  Because, selfishly, I care deeply about my birth children, the two girls who are about a decade younger than you who will be impacted by your choices.

What I witnessed today was eye opening - a full spectrum of "stuff" and I am amazed that the end goal is the same despite people starting at such different points of origin. 

Thus it begins.

In keeping with Achor's philosophy, though (and Dickinson's), I dwell in possibility.  Here are some gratitudes:

1)  Thank you for filling my room with projects and for trying. 
2)  Thank you for volunteering (in the classes that did). 
3)  Thank you for presenting even though it might not be your favorite thing to do.

Dear Scarlett says that tomorrow is another day.  And she's right.  So I will see you all tomorrow ready and willing to build a sandcastle despite the omnipresence of rising tides.

Thus it begins...again.

Love and Light,

Today's Songs:
1- Chubby Checker "Twist"
2- Pitbull "Celebrate"
3- Queen "Don't Stop Me Now"
4-  Queen "Bohemian Rhapsody"
5- Jackson 5 "I Want You Back"

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

My Boyfriend is Back...

Ladies and Gentlemen, Shawn Achor.

There are no words to convey the mastery with which this rhetor owns the stage.

Rewatch tonight and do some quality notes.  Consider how your brain processes the world.

I'll see y'all tomorrow.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Kansas City" The New Basement Tapes

Monday, September 25, 2017

Milk and Honey

Page 109

Class Discussion Today

Either you are showing up prepared or you are not.

This is my statement of truth for the day.

Also, no is a complete sentence.

Standards will not be must rise to meet them.

As David Foster Wallace would say, "So decide."

So decide who you want to be and go be it.

So decide if you are willing to do the work.

So decide if an AP English class best suits your needs.

So decide.

So decide.

So decide.

Tomorrow is yet another opportunity to build a sandcastle and "rage" against the dying of the light.

Love and Light,

Today's Song:  "Roar" Katy Perry

Important Dates: 
Wed. 9/27 - Rhetorical Devices Project Due and Presentations
Fri. 9/29 - SAS Round #3
Independent Book Reading

Friday, September 22, 2017

Second Post of the Day

Thanks to Thor (period 4), here is an awesome Quizlet that you can use to help with some of the rhetorical devices.  There won't be a "for a grade" quiz but we are discussing Keegan's Stability in Motion on Monday and one of the expectations of preparedness is that you know what the rhetor was doing with her conscious choosing of words.  The piece was previously posted on the blog so ask someone nicer than me where you can access it.

Monday's "discussion" will include some pointed questions such as:
1) What rhetorical devices did you identify in the text and why do you think Keegan used them?
2)  What did you notice about the arrangement of the piece?
3)  Obviously the piece is good writing (I say this because none of you have a New York Times bestseller) so what makes it effective in light of its purpose? (What is the text's purpose?)
4) What aspects of the rhetorical triangle are you able to discuss?
5) What do you know about Keegan and her other pieces of fiction and nonfiction?
6) AP Language is all about connections, so what text-to-text, text-to-world, and text-to-self connections did you make?

(Just to give you a taste of how Monday should not be "I really liked it..." "Yeah, me too.")

In addition to those starter questions, have handy your annotated text.

Our goal is a 20 minute chat but if it's going well...

Have a great weekend,

P.S. - Thank you to all who had their prep books (or ordered them).  I will be checking for AP test prep books on FRIDAY 9/29.

SAS #2

Happy Friday Everyone.

Thank you for another quality round of SAS.

I'll be back at some point this weekend with a few reminders for Monday as well as Thor's generously made quizlet.

Enjoy the beautiful Friday...

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin's "Respect"

Thursday, September 21, 2017

M/C Diagnostic Day

Practice Test prep days always leave me a bit discombobulated so I wonder how you feel...

Make sure to record your "score" in your notes (create a chart that looks like the example below) and keep track of your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to the beast of an AP Language exam.  It's just another hoop, y'all, but we might as well be able to jump through it and laugh on the other side.

Also, make sure you have an AP Test prep book for AP LANGUAGE in class tomorrow.  If you are ordering one, you can show me the receipt as proof.

Tomorrow is SAS Round #2 but you all should be ready in case I ask you to present.

And today's song is a repeat but our official theme song for test days: The Eagles "Take It Easy"

Love and Light (and yay that it's almost Friday and is beginning to feel like fall),

Areas of Improvement
TH 9/21/17
M/C 2014 "I am a writer...”
# correct/14

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Stability in Motion

Marina Keegan's beautiful piece can be accessed here.

Your job as a student who learns for learning's sake is to print the piece, re-read it, annotate as Adler would and be prepared to discuss the text in a Socratic (Beltran style) on Monday 9/25.

It will either turn into a quality discussion where we speak because we have something to say OR it will devolve into a "discussion" where we hear a few voices or worse, voices that feel they have to say something.

Consider the rhetorical devices she used.

I can't wait to see what happens...

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Bonnie Raitt's "Something to Talk About"

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

TED Talk Tuesday

TED Talk #2 = Oh My Word

Make sure to rewatch the video, print out and annotate the transcript and add Adichie to your TED Talk Chart.  I certainly hope you have a TED Talk Brene Brown would say, "I'm just sayin'..."

Tomorrow in class, be prepared for some class discussion and more quality rhetoric!!!!

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Diana Ross and The Supremes "Stop in the Name of Love"

Monday, September 18, 2017

Project Explained

*Periods 1 and 5 got a different experience today so your TED Talk Tuesday will have info re: rhetorical devices project *

The structure of the AP Language exam was explained today in class along with the in's and out's of the project due next Wednesday 9/27.  (Please see Sunday's post for the document that details the project.)

Start thinking about the emotion you want to highlight and the creative representation of it.  Email with questions if you have any.

Tomorrow we will enter into TED Talk #2.

And, as always, you should be reading your Independent Reading Book!!

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Journey's "Don't Stop Believing"

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Monday Preview

Happy Sunday, y'all.  Please spread the word (as you teenagers best know how) to all the APES (AP English Students) out there who daily cross the threshold of Room 853.  In an effort to help you out, I am posting below the project that we will be discussing in class tomorrow.  Look it over, come with questions and start thinking about what you would like to create.

Rhetorical Devices Project (created by Mr. C and modified by me)

Enjoy the rest of your day,

Friday, September 15, 2017


387 post views that is, but I'm pretty sure some of my Class of 2018 lovelies are still checking the blog.  Am I right?

At any rate, much much better, my juniors.  I apologize if any of your emails got bounced back for some unknown reason.  I'm not sure what happened there...I appreciate the effort, and remember, you don't have to email daily.  I'd say two a week is bare minimum.

As far as SAS today, homerun.  I think everyone who presented did so with courage and grace (which is exactly the way to go about it).  Not only did you all teach us about really interesting topics/things, you did something (publicly speak) that is considered a fear in grown ups.

Mad respect.

Over the weekend, you MUST watch the Steve Jobs Stanford commencement address (2005) that Ariel left as a comment on WEDNESDAY night.  It's just good.  So, watch it.  (explicit enough?)  And also, read.  Some people have already finished books and are on their second ones, so be the best student you can be and do your work.

No grades doesn't equal No work.

Wishing you all a happy and safe weekend.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Stevie Wonder "Higher Ground"

Thursday, September 14, 2017

SAS Tomorrow and Emails

Our first SAS is tomorrow.  I cannot wait!!!  And thank you for listening today - coachable?  Or not?  I'll be reading what you wrote and (hopefully) checking emails tonight.

I'm not a brute or a bully.

I'm just a teacher who wants the best for each of you.

Love and Light,

Today's Song:  The Temptations "Get Ready"

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

So Much To Say

Tomorrow will be a "recalibration day" based upon what I observed, listened to, and learned today.

Despite the fact that I have so much to say, I will save the praise and the lessons for tomorrow.  What I think is funny, though, is the fact that Brene Brown's TED Talk rang true for me as a human - lessons show up every moment if we allow them.  I saw lots of clenched fists in Room 853...without the ability to be vulnerable, absolutely nothing else will flourish.

We must enter into the arena with humility.

We absolutely cannot forget that each of us human beings are physical forms (meatsuits!) whose biases inform every nanosecond of our existence.

I will never know what it's like to be a 6 foot tall African American woman who can speak multiple languages, who was raped as a child, who wrote several books and spoke at President Clinton's inauguration.

Neither will you.

Unless you are a 6 foot tall African American woman who can speak multiple languages, who was raped as a child, who wrote several books and spoke at President Clinton's inauguration.

Love and Light,

Today's Song:  Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On"

"Complaining is not only graceless, it's dangerous. It can alert a brute that there's a victim in the neighborhood."

(I wonder who said that??)

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

TED Talk Tuesday!!!

So TED Talks started today.  I hope you take into consideration Brene Brown's argument and her research.  Think about her claim that the birthplace of joy, creativity, belonging and love is vulnerability.

Your job as a student invested in your education (or invested in your miseducation??) is to do the following:

1) Create and add Brown to your TED Talk Chart. (See someone's notes if you were absent.)
2) Print out the transcript to the talk and annotate it as Adler (or Harvard) would have you annotate. Did you even read the article from the other night that is from Harvard?????
3)  Rewatch the TED Talk and take quality notes in your spiral.  Make sure you also include a Rhetorical Triangle in your notes.  Look up the rhetor!!!

I'll see y'all tomorrow.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Eye of the Tiger" Survivor

Monday, September 11, 2017

A Random Post from Me to You

Sherenia Sykes told me during my first year of teaching that my kindness should never be mistaken for weakness.  She had a gold tooth and hair extensions that alternated between pink and purple and blue every day that ended in "y". 

Sherenia and Smokie would walk me to my car each afternoon in the Houston heat just to make sure some of the "unsavory" characters would leave me alone.  So unlike my colleagues who suffered concussions and slashed tires, I made it through the year untouched. (Unless you count my heart, which shattered on a daily basis at the inequality of the educational system depending on your zip code.)

That first class I taught back in 1998 taught me how to be a teacher.  How the deepest, most sincere form of love is high expectations.  I never let those kids in Room 109 slip up on homework or not read or not be prepared for class.  No matter what, those lovelies knew I believed in them and would push them.  I would be different from their "normal" teachers who just wanted to get through the day.

Please hear me when I say that any of you who are feeling unnerved by the demands of the class, sit in that discomfort.  And recognize that I should not be the first teacher to show you how to mark a book or the importance of reading or how to be an active participant in your education.  If I am, I'm so sorry.  On behalf of all apple eating, cardigan wearing, tote bag toting teachers, I am sorry.

You will rise to the expectations of this class because I know you can.

The opposite of love is indifference, and you are loved. 

Adler Is My Boy UPDATED

Seems the PowerPoint needs permission. Try signing in with your sandi student account. If that doesn't work...go read.

After today's lesson with good ol' Mortimer J. Adler, it's the hope that you now understand the WHY behind the WHAT in terms of how we actually read and OWN books.

You might have a glorious library but "having a fine library doesn't prove that its owner has a mind enriched by books; it proves nothing more than that he, his father or his wife was rich enough to buy them".


Tonight, reflect on what kind of books you've read.  Do you own any of them?  And just to add some credibility to the mix, there's a little school back East that fully supports what was introduced today.  Check it out.

Ms. Meier taught you all about what is expected in terms of college level reading.  Her powerpoint will be linked later.  Let me know if this hyperlink works.  Powerpoint.

Love and Light,

Today's Song:  Sam Cooke "Wonderful World"

Friday, September 8, 2017

Stuff About Stuff

Happy Friday!!!

 Thank you for being open to the idea of SAS.  We introduced it via The Five Canons (IMSAD) and then followed up with the speaking requirements.  (Please see THIS for the notes.)

Make sure you come to class Monday prepared with Adler's How to Mark a Book.  It was posted yesterday.  What does it mean to be prepared for class???

Have a great weekend and much Love and Light,

Today's Song: Whitney Houston "How Will I Know"

Thursday, September 7, 2017

We Read Part II

Today in class we discussed some finer points of why we read.  You are going to change the culture of your reading habits and adapt to the expectations in our class.  I know you can do this.  I offer you the chance to become "the best version of yourself".

Be sure to choose 6 of the 11 books from the list (remember we are reading Outliers as a class).  Have your chosen book on Monday.  (The books are available in the library!)

And out of respect for your lives and time and schedules, please find an article HERE that you will need PRINTED for class on Monday.  You should come to class prepared if you know what I mean.

Tomorrow I will go over what SAS is and why we use our Fridays as we do.

Love and Light,

Today's Song:  "Best of My Love" The Emotions


Wednesday, September 6, 2017


Today in class we discussed the expectations for Independent Reading and the reasons why we read.  In addition, you completed a quick write of your reading profile (see me if you were absent).

You can find the article Ms. Meier referenced here as well as access the Semester One Reading list aqui.

We will continue our reading discussion tomorrow so PLEASE think about the book list and show up to class with whatever book you are currently reading.  Books can change you.  Books can change the world.

Y'all have a great Wednesday and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Justin Timberlake "Can't Stop the Feeling".   

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

TED Talk Tuesday *UPDATED*

Hi, Lovelies -

There are some technical difficulties with the school wifi so I will be back later to post the Rhetorical Triangle document you need.

And here it is.  Please print and place in your spirals/notebooks or hand copy it into your notes.

Today we reviewed protocol for what happens on Tuesday in class. (Make sure you do whatever work you're supposed to do...easy class blah blah).

Tomorrow = books.

Come ready.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "I'm Still Standing" Elton John

Friday, September 1, 2017

My Homework

I see through the grief that consumed me for the past 15 months, through the shattering of my heart as I watched my mother take her final breath on earth.  I see through forty one year old eyes that used to seek the bad before they found the good.  I see through foil covered windows that block out Texas heat and through peeks behind the curtain at night making sure we are safe.

I see through the facade of perfect ACT scores, all A's and full scholarships to what learning really is.  I see through the fake laughs of class clowns and through the silence of wickedly smart minds.  I see through each of the cracks in my heart and present myself with open hands to each of you.

As we say in Texas, I see with "clear eyes" and a "full heart".

I can't lose.

Presentation Day

Thank you is all I can possibly say to the classes today.

Thank you for trying, getting up, sharing, for DARING GREATLY (look up that Teddy Roosevelt quote).

I appreciate the chance to see some of you.

Have a wonderful, safe long weekend, and look forward to another week of learning in class.

Love and Light,

P.S. - Great movie on Netflix "Inside Out"

Today's Song (or attempt): The Eagles "Take It Easy"

Thursday, August 31, 2017

The Work Is Never Done

*Period 4 - the blog post title is what I meant to say as the "five words" you needed to write down.  Oops.  Forgive me.*

Dear Lovelies,

Another day in the books.  The A/C part is on its way (or so they say...fingers crossed we won't be sweltering much longer.)  Thank you again for handling it.

Today you all got your textbooks and then had a bit of time to work on answering the prompt of "How do you see?"  Tomorrow (with the exception of period 3) you will be expected to have a written response to the question that you will turn in to the class bin.  (They are marked as Period 1, Period 2, etc.)

I will also be asking for volunteers to present their answers.  Decide if you are willing to take that first step.  I promise it is a safe classroom environment.  And I also promise that I understand the nerves and issues that public speaking bring up.  Just consider going...

I hope you stay cool and hydrated in this heat.  A big glass of water sounds good right about now.

See y'all tomorrow!

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Jackson 5's "ABC"