Thursday, December 7, 2017

A Thousand Thoughts

I have about a thousand thoughts flitting through my brain.  Each one based upon the discussions and points made in class.  What is success, anyway?  Would you choose to be happy over more money?  Where does the greatest asset of wealth (your good health - mental and physical) fit into the equation?  If we're moving the goalpost of success, when will we reach it?  (Shawn Achor)  Do you need to matter to a lot of people?  Or even be remembered by many?  Shouldn't it (as one of my lovely T.A.s emailed) "matter to you"?  I mean, in my estimation it takes maybe two generations before you're simply a name in your own family history.  You will forget me but is that why I teach?  To be remembered?  Or to make a tiny ripple in your life that will manifest itself in a decision neither you or I will even recognize as a game changer.  There is a huge amount of stress on your shoulders to do the "right" thing but the "right" thing varies from situation to situation.  Because every moment is fluid - constantly changing.  Arising, abiding, dissolving.  And because every moment is now.  And every single day is today.  And time is but a human construct.

Before I make my brain melt, I will move on.

But thank you for a solid three days of discussion.  I saw and learned and heard a lot.

MWF.  If you opted to participate, you should have been given your index card today.  The "mysteriousness" commences on Monday 12/11 (the birthday of two lovelies if I'm not mistaken) and wraps up on Friday 12/15 with your reveal.  Email me with questions.

SAS is tomorrow, as you know, so be prepared.

Finally, I have a writing assignment for you.  On Friday, December 15th, please have a 1 page typed piece on the following topic:  Choose a word for 2018 and explain why this is your chosen word for the new year.  I thought I would go ahead and tell you now so you would have some time to think on it and meet the deadline.  Times New Roman, double spaced, size 12 font.

Love and Light,

P.S. - Here's a 2004 TED Talk from Gladwell to supplement your experience with Outliers.

Today's Song: Alan Jackson "Neon Rainbow"


  1. Is it curious that while reading this post I felt the need to hit a like button or something? I wasn't even in class yet after reading this my mental hamster is starting to jog a little.

  2. We should do class discussions more often! It was so interesting listening to different perspectives on one big topic.

  3. The discussions we've been having over the past couple days have really given me a new perspective on Outliers.

  4. I loved the discussion and I can't wait for SAS tomorrow!

  5. (life is meaningless) have a great night everyone!!

  6. Can't wait for SAS tomorrow! I'm sad its the last one until 2018 :(

  7. These past three days have been awesome and eye opening. Excited for another SAS tomorrow.

  8. Despite my sadness kicking high into gear for the ending of our round table discussion over the interest of Outliers, all will be forgiven over a hot weekly dosage of SAS which follows directly in suit. See you all refreshed and prepared for tomorrow!

  9. Excited for the next class discussion, Outlier's did definitely melt my brain a little too.

  10. Wish I could've been there today but I'm excited for SAS tomorrow and to find out who I have for MWF

  11. SAS should be reallly interesting tommorow
