Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Darling Magazine

I equate knowledge with food for your brain. Y'all know this. So if you're craving a five course, five star meal, check out Darling. 

Happy TED Talk Tuesday.


Friday, June 26, 2015

Just My Thoughts

I watched Obama's eulogy for slain Senator Clementa Pinckney today (you should too) and it made me so scared for the disconnection we all feel and humbled by the grace and love the victims' families have shown toward the killer. I don't think it's coincidence that the SCOTUS ruled in favor of the constitutionality of same sex marriage the exact day this murdered man who preached love was being laid to rest. In the New York Times today, the writer wrote that the gunman - a "white stranger" had been "welcomed" into the AME church by Pinckney. That kid sat with the men and women in a prayer circle. This blows my mind that despite the hatred flung at minorities in this country, a stranger was openly and lovingly welcomed. Most of us say one thing and do another when push comes to shove, but this leader practiced what he preached. I am humbled by that kind of grace.  I really am.

A former student of mine just recently shared her TED Talk with me. (I requested a copy so I could reread on days this this.). This person reminded me that we all matter, and what we have to say matters.  Even that murderer in South Carolina matters because his hatred was taught by people who didn't have room in their hearts for love.

Check out the comments made by the victims' families in court to the killer. They forgave him, they prayed for him, they wished him love.

Wow. Just wow.

And if you haven't been reading this summer, what the heck!  Go to the library and check out A Raisin in the Sun or Animal Dreams or The Things They Carried or Station Eleven. Something. Your brain will thank you.


Tuesday, June 23, 2015

For the Few...

...who are still reading.  I have decided to post during my vacation.  Just juicy bits and thoughts and not much directed at due dates, projects, calendars.  Hope you'll enjoy and read and feast...even though it's summer, no excuse to starve your brain.

To begin, a cool blog post that made me think about all of us and our class this past year.


Monday, June 15, 2015

Happy Summer

Wishing each of you big, wide love all the rest of your days.  May the road always rise to meet you.  I miss you each already but I sincerely thank you for the opportunity to spend my days with you.  Being a teacher is a true gift for me and I appreciate each of you adding to the happiness in my days.  A lot of adults - and I'm sure you know some - aren't very happy about their "jobs".  I can sincerely say I was happy to wake up each day and go to room 853.  Love, just love, to you.

Beltran out.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

I Cried Today

Because I love you and I love the privilege of teaching. Periods 6 & 7, I'll miss you. Hugs to you all. Be in touch! Xoxo

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


I am liberated.  But it took 39 years and I have miles to go...you guys can't see what I see.  But you're beautiful.  Not an ugly anything among any of you.  While you are speaking, I see different things: shoes, fussing in a mirror, nervous fidgeting, confident smiles, button down shirts, fearful eyes, shining eyes.  It's all right there - the common-ness of all of us.  The insignificance and the utter magnitude.  I hope I don't sound like a creeper or anything, but I fell in love again today.  Several times.  How you do your hair, how you clearly practiced in front of someone (or a mirror), how you are revealing something.  Some revealing themselves, others still hesitant for fear of???  I'm proud of you all and I L-O-V-E you.  I really do.  It just looks different for each of you based upon so many factors (your seat in class, the sport you play, etc.)

I'll see you tomorrow.  Our final "regular" day.


Monday, June 8, 2015


Thanks for a great Monday of TED Talks.  I really did enjoy them...Could y'all please complete the survey below.  It's for PL and is anonymous.  I would appreciate it.

PLHS End of Year Survey

Textbook return is tomorrow.  Please do that QUICKLY as we have TED Talks to listen to.  The sooner the better.


Sunday, June 7, 2015


The TED Talks on Friday were so great. Mellie! Conrad! Man!!!!! I can't wait for tomorrow. Xoxo

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Man Oh Man...Good Info Posted

Just a few reminders below:
  • Scholarship (Joy Lauderbach) - template filled out and rough draft of essay.  Checked TOMORROW WED 6/3 in class.
  • College Template for at least 1 school - Checked TOMORROW WED 6/3 in class.
  • Rough draft of at least 1 personal statement for any of the colleges you are applying to. I'll check on Thursday 6/4.  
Check out the TED blog for the "12 Pieces of Advice for Giving Talks That Have Impact".  Google it because I am not linking it.  

I am linking a couple Juicy Bits though.  The first is to On Being, a great resource for making yourself a better human.  Here's a post on books and characters that is worth your time.  

And here is some biographical information on the author of the TED post.  

I just found out that TEXTBOOK RETURN (for ALL your textbooks) is scheduled for Tuesday, June 9th.  That will impact our TED Talks so go fast.  EVERYONE SHOULD BE READY TO PRESENT ON MONDAY.  YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN YOU WILL BE CALLED UP DUE TO ABSENCES.


“Engrave this upon your heart: there isn’t anyone you couldn’t love once you heard their story.”
Mary Lou Kownacki

Monday, June 1, 2015

Personal Statement

Hi all -

By Thursday you should have a draft of your personal statement.  I am requesting that all of you respond to the Freshman Applicant Prompt for the UC schools.  (It will be useful regardless if you apply to UCs or not.)

The prompt is as follows:
Describe the world you come from - for example, your family, community, or school - and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.  

Verbal vomit all over.  It is necessary.

And create a Google Folder for all items college related. Trust me.

We will be writing and working on drafts in class so come prepared.  I'll show examples and give tips that you can take or leave.

On Friday, TED Talks start for periods 3 - 7 so beeeeeeee ready.

There's no such thing as luck - just preparedness and opportunity intersecting.
