Friday, December 8, 2017

MWF Starts on Monday

If you signed up for MWF, it begins Monday.  Please stop by class at some point and drop off your small something.  Make sure it is labeled with the person's name and their class period.  The best way (I think) to make the stay secretive is that you either 1) have a friend drop off the gift for you or 2) you secretly place it in the box I will have labeled "MWF".  We will figure it out.

As for ideas, first off, don't stress.  It's fun. 

Secondly, keep it simple and have good intentions.

Here are some ideas of what I would do:

  • baking cookies or a fun treat
  • an inspirational quote a day
  • a compliment
  • a homemade playlist with songs listed for "a good day", "a bad day", "a sad day", etc.
  • a list of good movies
  • a list of book recommendations
  • a piece of something per day that adds up to the real gift on Friday
  • a series of clues/riddles that reveal themselves on Friday
  • a collage of words you think describe them based on what you know
  • a survival kit for finals
  • photographs
  • a picture frame you fashion out of items you have at home
  • a jar that you fill with compliments
  • a flower 
Just some quick ideas.

Have fun and I will see you Monday for CREATE SOMETHING.

Love and Light (and 5 more days!!!!),

Today's Song: Michael Jackson practice to "Beat It"


  1. Already getting geared up for a great last week. V excited for MWF and Create Something!

  2. I can't wait to see what everyone did for their Create Something!!
