Thursday, September 21, 2017

M/C Diagnostic Day

Practice Test prep days always leave me a bit discombobulated so I wonder how you feel...

Make sure to record your "score" in your notes (create a chart that looks like the example below) and keep track of your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to the beast of an AP Language exam.  It's just another hoop, y'all, but we might as well be able to jump through it and laugh on the other side.

Also, make sure you have an AP Test prep book for AP LANGUAGE in class tomorrow.  If you are ordering one, you can show me the receipt as proof.

Tomorrow is SAS Round #2 but you all should be ready in case I ask you to present.

And today's song is a repeat but our official theme song for test days: The Eagles "Take It Easy"

Love and Light (and yay that it's almost Friday and is beginning to feel like fall),

Areas of Improvement
TH 9/21/17
M/C 2014 "I am a writer...”
# correct/14


  1. The practice test was sort of hard today but I’m looking forward to be as ready as possible for the actual AP exam.

  2. I quite enjoyed the prepping, it's going to help me get even more prepared for the test, thank you

  3. I am glad we are taking practice tests and learning testing strategies throughout the school year. Hopefully all of this practice will allow me to go into the exam as prepared and confident as possible.

  4. Even though I didn’t do so well on the answers, I am excited to prepare myself and learn skill sets that I can apply to test taking and improve my score.

  5. As AP teachers say... Princeton is an AP student's best friend!

  6. Last year I took the AP Euro test, totally unprepared and didn't pass it, but your class is motivating me to really try every day (you only live once) that way I can get a 5 on that stupid test. (gotta know the game to win)

  7. Today's practice test was defenitly a wakeup call if this was one of the easier ones.

  8. I think these practice tests will help us out for our ACT/SAT's, as well as the AP exam of course.

  9. I'm so excited but still nervous for SAS tomorrow.

  10. Looking forward to the presentations tomorrow.

  11. I didn't do so well on the practice test today only because I'm the worst test taker hoping to learn some strategies from you

  12. I was glad to start practicing for the AP Exam. AP tests awful, but its at least nice to feel comfortable with the format! Excited for presentations.

  13. I love how we are starting to prepare for the AP test, it is never too early.

  14. Got both my AP classes Princeton's, dreading May.

  15. I'm really glad we're starting the AP test practice so early on. Last year one of my teachers didn't know the format and therefore couldn't help us; needless to say that exam was very rough. It'll be much easier to do well on a test you're actually prepared for!

  16. AP truly means A Princeton class book, got to be prepared.

  17. Todays practice test was a big wake up call

  18. I think the practice tests in class will be very helpful for the exam. I'm excited for SAS tomorrow!

  19. Excited but very nervous for SAS tomorrow!!

  20. These M/C tests are going to be very helpful. A little glimpse of what the AP test will look like definitely helps.

  21. Didn't do as well as I thought I would but I am going to keep trying until I get a 15/14 on one of these test thingys we got today.

  22. so excited for SAS tomorrow, can't wait to learn from everyone else! -satori jelden

  23. scored horrible on the practice test today but stil did better than i thought i would so i guess thats a good thing right? SAS oh no...

  24. I made sure not to second guess myself and did pretty well but I realized that I've got a ways to go to be ready for the exam. I'm glad this is the class that's taking me there.

  25. I like that even though this class is not all about work and being "smart", we still prepare for the AP Exam so early that way in May we are ready to play the game!
