Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Wise Words from a Junior

(Before I forget, here's the link to Ms. Meier's powerpoint.  Hope it works.  You should check it out and add it to your mind palace.)

Today (depending on which class you're in), we discussed our Klosterman annotations and wrote a precis for the introduction.  If you didn't finish the precis, have it ready to turn in tomorrow.

Since Ms. Meier taught some of the periods, I had the chance to finish reading emails and writing on the Zander inspired question I posed:  Who are you being as a student in Room 853?

One kiddo wrote something so beautiful and haunting that it needs to be shared.

"Why aim for anything less than the stars?"

So true.  

What's the point of half heartedly doing something?

What's the point of being "good enough"?

Why does the concept "bare minimum" even exist as an option for us?

Like Klosterman, I, too, sense a shift throughout the day.  And my only wish is that all of my students could be flies on the wall and see what I see, hear what I hear, read what I read (in terms of emails and writings).  Perhaps then they would all be able to understand that as a conductor, I am only as good as the players in my orchestra.

Tomorrow you reflect on what you deserve for the first 6 weeks.  

If you're prone to feeding that big green monster of envy, be forewarned.  Tomorrow, you will look yourself in the eye and own what kind of a student you actually are.  

Love and Light,

Today's Songs: "Ants Marching" Dave Matthews Band (periods 1 and 2) & "Friends" Theme Song "I'll Be There for You" The Rembrandts


  1. Ms. Meier, like always, did a great job reviewing the preface to us. I asked multiple questions while writing the precis and she was very helpful answering them.

  2. That kiddo's quote reminded me of one of my favorite quotes of all time. "Most people fail in life not because they aim too high and miss, but because they aim too low and hit" - Les Brown. Never give anything less than your best.

  3. I too think we change throughout the day. I loved the meaning of Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs, even though I did not get some of the allusions at first.

  4. When Ms. Meier showed us the rhetors morning interview I thought about how time affects us and how things change. Today’s lesson really inspired me to actually think about what I do and how it can change someone or something.

  5. Thanks for sharing Ms. Meier's powerpoint for us other periods, too. Super annoyed at myself for looking up the names at the end of Klosterman's text EXCEPT for the one you asked about... that would happen to me haha. lesson learned. :)

  6. I applaud the kiddo who inquired such simplistic yet such a charmingly striking question. "Why aim for anything else than the stars?" Truly, this one could cause myself to become quite woozy from simply pondering upon it as I would contemplate for hours after hours. Why should I settle for what is lesser than the better? Why do I dare to fear missing aim to a target that is significantly higher than what lies near my feet? If I could I simply accept the opportunity of risking all that I have, granted I should and. . . I should. Rather than carelessly questioning, "Do I have to?", I should rather impose, "Where will I lead to? And will I have another go?"

  7. There’s no real answer to that question. Only an explanation. We aim for less when we fear the result will leave us with discontent, and that perpetual dissatisfaction is inescapable.

  8. Eagar to find out what people give themselves for a grade tomorrow.

  9. Thanks for exposing us to this text. I learned so much from it :)

  10. I’m bummed out that I missed class today for the PSAT sounds like there was some good lessons taught today.

  11. Can't believe I missed dancing to the "Friends" theme song!!

  12. That quote is what I live by. I've wanted to be an astronaut since I was two, and I ask myself all the time why I'm going for it. It phrases my inner-ramblings perfectly.

  13. Sorry I missed a lot of class today. From what I heard there were some great discussions about the Klosterman piece. Can't wait for tomorrow!

  14. you always open my eyes and mind to things i could never imagian. Today i'm ready to open my eyes to the student i am.
