Monday, April 30, 2018

Happy Monday to You

I'm alive and I'm well and I'm grateful for each breath.

I read voraciously and I write willingly and I'm thankful for my education.

I love with my whole heart and I feel with it too.

As we near the AP exam date, know that every moment in class has been geared toward educating the whole of you - not just the part that can bubble in answers.

How did MC go today?  Reflect for a moment...were you humbled?  Were you able to handle it?  Did you complete the task with your whole heart?

What I know for sure in this 42nd revolution of mine on this pale blue dot, is that you can't teach tenacity or grit.  Do you power through or do you give up?  Any test in life, be it for College Board or not, tests your tenacity.

What did you learn about yourself today??

I'll see you for another opportunity tomorrow.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Wish I Knew You" The Revivalists

Friday, April 27, 2018

I Laughed A Lot Today

Thanks, Lovelies, for a Happy Friday. Off to cheer on some swimmers.

See y’all Monday for a doozy of a MC practice.

Love and Light,

Today’s Song: “We Didn’t Start the Fire” Billy Joel

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Whole Heart

Whole heart?  Do you have one?  Do you approach every task - be it washing dishes, doing homework, talking with friends - with your whole heart?  I know I try to and I fail repeatedly.  But I am stubborn and I don't like being lazy or losing to people who aren't smarter or better but just work harder.  That bugs. I especially don't enjoy paying money to not do well - be it on an AP test or a cooking class.

With that said, whole heart?  Do you have one?

If you are serious about passing the AP Language exam, here's what you do:
1.  Go through your practice MC tests.  Ask me if you can take your folder home.
2.  Reread your passages (starting with "I am a writer.." and annotate for devices and strategies.
3.  Review the terms/devices/strategies and HOW they create the rhetor's intended purpose.
4.  Stalk the College Board site and find released Q2 prompts.  Write them.  Compare your work to the released model essays.
5.  Rinse and Repeat.

SAS tomorrow so be ready.  And TONIGHT starting at 5pm, Poetry Symposium in the PAC.  Free!!!

Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.  That might be my new mantra.  Love and Light.  Kick ass.


Today's Song: "Can't Help Myself" Four Tops

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Final Book Talk...

...but hopefully not the last book you'll read and discuss.

Thank you for your dedication to upping your reading game.  I hope a fire was rekindled that reminds you that stories are freedom - that education is a game changer.

I'll see you all tomorrow for some Rhetorical Analysis prep.  In the meantime, I'll be dining al fresco tonight, wearing some purple, playing with Rosabelle.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Hurts So Good" John Mellencamp

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

TED Talk

"Oh no, that's not good." - Jacob Martinez, author and senior

When told that only 49 lovelies read and checked the bliggity blog, Jacob, aforementioned, said the quote from above.  As he sadly shook his head in disgust he also said, "Hi, Martin." 

At this point, I checked out of the conversation as Jacob and Martin were about to fight.  I don't know who won.  But I know I'm still looking for more people to read the blog.

Here's the TED Talk from today.  Tomorrow, be ready to chat about BOOKS!

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "No Excuses" Megan Trainor

"What a great post!" - Jacob Martinez, author and senior

Monday, April 23, 2018

Multiple Choice Mania

On Mondays we do Multiple Choice.

Declarative Statement of the Day.

Thanks for the effort and the thinking...test prep is no fun but hard work is necessary to achieve...well, pretty much anything.

Tomorrow we will enjoy a TED Talk and on Wednesday keep in mind the Period 4 Assembly for What Goes Around.  ALSO, Wednesday is the BOOK DEADLINE for our reading so come to class prepared to discuss books.  Since we have testing, this Wednesday will be our final Book Talk Day for the year.  So sad...

P.S. 16 school days until the AP Language test.

Much love and light to you all,

Today's Song: Smokey Robinson "Second that Emotion"

Friday, April 20, 2018

Happy Friday!!

What a stupendous day.  I learned so much about you.  And all I can say is WOW!!!!

Enjoy your time away from school!

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Dynamite" Taio

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Your "Homework" Tonight

I need you to please follow the link provided HERE and fill out a quick survey.  Please and Thank You.

As for the Q2 work today.  If you want to submit an entire essay, have that for me tomorrow or Monday.  If you don't need the practice, an outline will suffice (and that should have already been turned in or put in the class tray tomorrow).

SAS is how we will end the week - either an autobiographical presentation or a regular "feed" our brains one.

Have a great rest of the day and don't forget that the Pre-AP registration is happening.  For most of you that begins tomorrow period 1.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "The Middle" Zedd, Maren Morris, Grey

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Popcorn Scandal

What a day. 

Thanks for looking at Q2 and reminding yourself of what needs to be done.  You asked great questions and (hopefully) did some good work.  The old saying goes that hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.  I may not be the brightest or the fastest or the most talented in the rooms I'm in, but I for sure work harder than most.  What about you?

Have a beautiful rest of the day and I'll see you in class tomorrow.  (You have 7 and a half weeks left of school.) 

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Halo" Queen B

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Susan Cain: The Power of Introverts

In case you missed it, the TED Talk today was Susan Cain’s. Normally I’d link it, but I know you are quite capable of googling as well.

Tomorrow we start review of Q2: Rhetorical Analysis. Even if you’re not taking the test, the critical thinking and writing is vital for you. We all need to be able to reed and right reel good. (Hee Hee)

Enjoy your day and I’ll see you tomorrow.

Love and Light,

Today’s Song: “Love on Top” Queen B

Monday, April 16, 2018


Multiple Choice Monday!!  Woot woot.  Am I the only one excited?  It's okay - enough joy for us all to share.  Thank you for your hard work....the test is one month from today so every little bit of practice counts.

If you have any questions about the passage or why certain answers are why they are, please just ask.

Also, today I announced CS 2.0 information due to testing.  Sign up sheets for the voluntary presentations will be up on Friday.  If you are interested in presenting, take a lunch slot and your work will be seen.

Other info: pre-AP test sessions (the ones where you bubble in info, take care of business, etc.)  opens on Friday for juniors.  See me for your session time.  And return slips for the "What Goes Around" presentations if your parents DO NOT want you to attend.  That is next Wednesday 4/25 during period 4.

I think that's it for now....period 2, you have until 4/30 to submit what I requested.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Destiny's Child "Say My Name"

Friday, April 13, 2018

Happy Friday the 13th

My youngest daughter August was born on Friday the 13th and she’s got the best energy and luck in the world so I no longer believe it’s an unlucky number. All in your perception.

Thanks for a fun Friday full of learning about each other. I’m looking forward to a weekend with my family, though. It’s always nice to decompress, though we are usually pretty busy.

Any thoughts or suggestions on Create Something 2.0? I’ve got some ideas so I’ll announce Monday. And speaking of announcements, CONGRATULATIONS to Period 2 for winning the dance competition. Honestly, though, you should all be proud. You came together and created. Respect.

I’ll see y’all Monday.

Love and Light,

Today’s Song: “September” Earth Wind and Fire

Thursday, April 12, 2018


Hi, Lovelies -

I just found out that we will be doing Smarter Balance Testing in our English classes on all of the upcoming Block Schedule Days.  That means we have 2 regular classes after the AP Lang exam on 5/16.  Then, starting Monday 5/21, we will be testing.  You will test in my classroom.  I will spend the entire day giving the test.  The.  Entire. Day.  My birthday is 5/25 so at least we have regular class together then but we will essentially be testing until Monday 6/4 when your TED Talks start.  That SADLY MEANS WE WON'T BE DOING CREATE SOMETHING 2.0.  I could cry.  Maybe that's great news for you, but not for me.  :(  We won't even be able to do the College Project in class either.  (Although I will be more than happy to help you with anything college related.)  Any suggestions for how we can still share awesome CS 2.0 projects???  Comment below.

I am beyond bummed. 

Love and Light still but...BOO.

Today's Song: David Bowie "Let's Dance"

Block Schedule

MAY 21, 23, 29, 31 – ODD PERIODS
Period 1: 7:30-9:28
Period 3: 9:34-11:35
Lunch: 11:41-12:11
Period 5: 12:17-2:15
MAY 22, 24, 30, & JUNE 1 – EVEN PERIODS
Period 2: 7:30-9:28
Period 4: 9:34-11:35
Lunch: 11:41-12:11
Period 6: 12:17-2:15

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Wacky Wednesday

Thanks for the test prep presentations.  I definitely laughed, and I definitely owe period 3. 

Please have a folder OR a binder so we can organize some previous MC tests.

We will be working on Synthesis tomorrow so bring your own laptop if you don't want to use the ones we have.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Panic at the Disco "Nine in the Afternoon"

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Three for the Price of One

Thanks for paying attention to the three rhetors today.

TED Talk from Luvvie Ajayi.

TED Talk from Clint Smith.

Video from Maya Angelou about "Just Do Right".

Rewatch and enjoy.

I'll see you tomorrow for strategy presentations and more prep.

Love and Light,

Today's Songs: All Over the Place

Monday, April 9, 2018

MC Monday

A little group work today...ready for presentation on Wednesday.  You and your group members are "teaching" one of the MC test strategies (Active Reading, Words in Context, Process of Elimination or The Two-Pass System).  Nothing fancy...just explain the strategy, show how it would be useful on the MC test for Language and then offer an example of how it would be used.  As always, see me or email me with questions.

Also please have a binder or a folder for all of the tests we have completed since September.  We are going to be organizing our previous tests and using them to study.

Make sure you vote for ASB president starting on Wednesday.  Have a picture id and exercise your democratic right. 

I'll see y'all tomorrow.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "All We Ever Knew" The Head and the Heart 

Friday, April 6, 2018

What A Friday

Funny how no internet led to autobiographical presentations and interesting class discussions. Always a good time in Room 853.

Have a safe and fine weekend.

Love and Light,

Today’s Song: No song in the morning and some Bob Seger later on.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Model Essays

Thanks for the work today on model essays for Q1.  What did you notice in the one that scored an "8" versus the one that scored a "3"? 

Tomorrow we get to enjoy some SAS and then back to work on Monday with some MC.

Enjoy tonight and why not read a little to feed your heart and your mind.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Superstition" Stevie Wonder

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Second Post of the Day

Hi again, Lovelies -

I know my previous "College Board" post was pretty amazing but I thought I would just summarize today and some of the expectations for test prep.

I certainly am no wizard or master of behavior because I know full well that you will do what you want no matter how much I push or prod.  Test prep is no fun.  I know.  Believe me, I know.  BUT, it is a necessary evil for the test and I want to honor that.  My only test prep rule is THAT YOU DON'T HARM ANOTHER PERSON'S CHANCE TO LEARN AND PREP FOR THE EXAM.  And since 99.9% of you are kind, thoughtful, aware and lovely meatsuits, we shall have no issues. 

Tomorrow in class we are going to start class off with any questions or comments you have about Synthesis and then we are going to look at some model essays.  We will use the laptops in an effort to save paper but you are welcome to bring your own to use if you prefer.

Make sure to also check out the entirety of the Maya Angelou "Master Class".  She had a lot of wonderful, sage advice.  Happy Birthday to her and to SG.  And thank you Dr. King for your life and service to a vital cause.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Livin' on Love"
College Board

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Brene Brown Brings It

Another lovely TED Talk from the incomparable Brene Brown.  (For some reason my computer isn't letting me link the video but you can access it on your own.)

Tomorrow we start some test prep with Synthesis so buckle up for the fun.

Much love and light to you all,

Today's Song: "You Can't Hurry Love" The Supremes

Monday, April 2, 2018

Hi Lovelies

Hi sorry I was out today but we kind of had a first day of school with the kids since we moved.  Happy to report that all went well...and I will be back tomorrow with a TED Talk and a lot of love for you.

Y'all ready for the AP testing season?  April, April, April.  Let's all stay positive and choose joy even though stress will no doubt be lurking behind every corner.

Can't wait to see you.

Love and Light,