Friday, November 10, 2017

Veterans Day Post

Hi, Lovelies -

I hope your Friday is going well.  I am grading essays and realizing that I need to do some specific instruction regarding Q2.  As such, I will be handing back your papers after Thanksgiving Break and using that week before Outliers to address some common "errors" I am seeing in your writing.  I think the great news is that so many of you are so close to breaking through in terms of your writing.  We just need to get a bit "old school" and do more than just look at our essays and say "Oh, Beltran wrote this," and then move on. 

I really want you all to become better writers in terms of where you are now. 

Just wanted to update you so no one gets bummed that the essays will be returned later than originally announced.  (Though I hope you are so busy enjoying life that these essays are the least of your concerns.)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend...I have some more reading to do.

Love and Light,


  1. Replies
    1. Does anyone else think that Happy Veterans Day sounds a bit off? Just like Happy Memorial Day doesn't seem right. Nonetheless hope everyone had a nice day

  2. It's honestly impressive that you're able to even read, analyze, AND give helpful feedback by then. Respect.

  3. I hope your weekend was very relaxing!!!!!
