Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Outliers Reading Day

Hi, lovelies -

Thank so much for reading in class today and prepping for our class discussions next week.  In an effort to help you become even better students than you already are, take a look at some of the expectations/questions I have for our time together next week.

As a true reader, begin with the basics and context and journey into the critical thinking necessary for a strong consumer of rhetoric.
  • Who is Malcolm Gladwell?
  • When did he publish this book?
  • Does he have a website?
  • Has he written or produced other works?
  • Consider the title and the subtitle.
  • Look up geographic locations on a map so you have a mental visual about where things are taking place. 
  • For each chapter, have you annotated the text with questions, thoughts, items that you challenge or are confused by?
  • Have you looked up words and definitions as needed?
  • After reading the book, have you done any research on critics' opinions of Gladwell's claims?  What else is out there in terms of Outliers?
  • Most importantly, what do YOU THINK about the individual chapters and the book as a whole?
  • What are you curious about in terms of how your classmates think?  Do you have any questions for them?
  • Overall, what have you taken away from the text?
  • And a PRO TIP for getting organized in discussions takes a lot of advanced prep work but it pays off in the end...Have a color coded system of Post-Its or even just really well-organized notes that give you clues as to what you want to say/discuss.  For example, red Post-Its can indicate items you disagreed with or had questions about, yellow Post-Its can represent quotable lines or items you feel are vital/good, and blue Post-Its can be outside research you did on vocabulary, maps, biographical info, etc.  The point is to BE PREPARED.  ("Achievement is talent plus preparation.  The problem with this view is that the closer psychologists look at the careers of the gifted, the smaller the role innate talent seems to play and the bigger the role preparation seems to play. " page 38)

Also, here's the video I showed a snippet of today - #Ham4Bey.  Just wow. 

Love and Light,

Daily Journal:  Agree, disagree or qualify the following statement - - > "No one is a self-made person."

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Art of Asking

TED Talk here.

Thanks for a good day.  Happy Anniversary!!  Tomorrow have your Outliers book and be ready to read or prep notes for the class discussions next week.

Love and Light,

Daily Journal:  In what ways do you silence your own voice?

Monday, November 28, 2016

It's Almost Our Anniversary!

Oh my lovelies, tomorrow is our three month anniversary.  I'm so excited that we have made it this far with a few ups and downs along the way.  I missed you over break and am mostly glad to be back at "it" again.  Three weeks until Winter Break (I'm just sayin'...).  If you were absent (or just need a review), we went over important dates for the next few weeks and we also worked on a sheet documenting all the connections from the first week of school.  If you didn't turn it in to me at the end of class, please turn it in at the beginning of class tomorrow.

Tomorrow we will be watching our TED Talk and then working on our charts so have them with you.

Wednesday is an Outliers reading day.  Bring your book.

Thursday is practice Multiple Choice and Friday is SAS.


Love and Light,

Daily Journal:  Complete the rest - "On my heart today..." GO!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Happy Break

So sorry I wasn't there today and didn't have the chance to give you a heads up.  Life sometimes happens but rest assured that all is well.  Thank you for the concerned emails and messages.

I wish each of you a peaceful and relaxing break and should you celebrate Thanksgiving, may you enjoy all that the tradition brings.

As for your "work" over break: NO JOURNALS.  You can feel free to write if you'd like but I will not be posting prompts as I, too, need a rest.  Be sure to read Outliers, though.  You are expected to have the book read in its entirety by Monday, December 5th.  And while we're at it, Create Something 1.0 is due on Friday, December 9th.

Be safe and be well.  I'll see you after break.

Love and light,

P.S. A quotey quote for you as you (hopefully) check out of the school routine for a bit...

"My wish for you is that you continue.  
Continue to be who you are,
to astonish a mean world
with your acts of
~Maya Angelou

Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Power of the Post-It

Thank you.

Just thank you for wholeheartedly participating today.

It's my favorite day of the year - always.

Love and light,

Daily Journal:  How did today make you feel?  


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Plato is My Homeboy

The prisoner returns to the cave to inform the other prisoner of his findings.  They do not believe him and threaten to kill him if he sets them free.  (The Allegory of the Cave by Plato)

"But I will hold on hope
And I won't let you choke
On the noose around your neck."  (lyrics from "The Cave" by Mumford and Sons)

"When you open your hands to catch and wind up with only blisters and bruises; when you step out of the phone booth and try to fly and the very people you want to save are the ones standing on your cape; when your boots will fill with rain, and you'll be up to your knees in disappointment. And those are the very days you have all the more reason to say thank you." ("Point B" by Sarah Kay)

"What else can you ask someone else to do but try?"  (Ash Beckham)

"I sit here writing, for I know that time does not come fluid and whole into my trembling hands. All that is here comes piecemeal..." (Fault Lines by Meena Alexander)

"There Is A Crack In Everything, That's How the Light Gets In" (line from Leonard Cohen's song Anthem)

Just some legos for you...

Thanks for your work today.  Tomorrow, Post-It's.  xoxo

Daily Journal #56:  The concept of "sympathetic joy" rests firmly on the belief that we as human beings must learn to celebrate the success of others.  In this spirit, please think about your classmates (the ones in your specific class period, that is) and write about someone (or more than someONE) you admire.  Include why they are impressive.  This is just for me...

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

TED Talk Tuesday

Apologies to period 2 for the internet difficulties.  Here's the TED Talk.  Make sure you watch and take notes.  Make the connections - build your Lego towers!!!

Anyone who needed extra time on the name cards, please bring the completed versions to class tomorrow. 

Also, make sure you have the Meena Alexander questions and answers in class.  We will be using them to write a Rhetorical Precis.

See y'all then.

Daily Journal:  What kind of student are you this second six weeks?

Monday, November 14, 2016

Today's Shiny Pennies

Have you ever seen a shiny penny?  Just glistening in the sun, copper glinting and catching your eye?  A few of you today were my "shiny pennies" - catching not only my eye but my heart.  I don't ever feel comfortable using your actual names because people who aren't in this class read the blog but I can't go to sleep tonight without acknowledging some of the beauty I witnessed today.

Even though we "just" worked on an analysis prompt, I did see CH in period 2 be the kind of leader I want my girls to be - one who takes chances and includes.  I saw EM in period 3 be the kind of friend I wish we all had, and I saw CS literally extend herself to another.  And to hear I and L read and not give up...hearts of warriors, not worriers. Then CC and WH and their EPIC DANCE MOVES.  Geez Louise.

Then period 4 strolled on in and the pancakes brought it.  When we went to the "thrift shop", it got even better and when LK read out loud.. Heart...EXPLOSIONS. (Shout outs to the rest of you who read aloud as well.)

What to say about Period 5?  JK who "crossed the swamp".  THANK YOU!!!!

And period 6:  The kick dance.  #lot

Tomorrow is TED Talk Tuesday so be ready to open your minds...and don't forget, 35 Post-It Notes for class on Thursday!!!!!!


Daily Journal:  In what ways (if any) can you relate to Meena Alexander's sense of a "fractured" self?

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Gratitude is a Choice

As I enjoy the privilege of age, growing older with each breath, I realize the importance of gratitude.  Today I am grateful for hot coffee, for the curves of my daughters' noses, for the refrigerator full of food at my house.  I am grateful for hugs that last more than a second, for emails that crack me wide open, and lame tv shows that distract me from the politics of our nation.  I am grateful for the Class of 2018 and each moment I get to spend in my classroom with them.  I am grateful for the group texts I've been in the past few days.  I am grateful for the love I see alive and well in my small little world.

I wish each of you a beautiful, peaceful weekend.  Don't forget the Daily Journals and the need for 35 Post-It notes of any size. (You'll need those by Thursday.)

Next week's SAS has the theme of GRATITUDE.  Have fun with that...

Love and Light,

Daily Journal (Thursday):  What is the meaning behind your name?
Daily Journal (Friday):  What are some of your quirks?
Daily Journal (Saturday): I want to improve my...
Daily Journal (Sunday):  Describe your daily routine.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Hope Is A Thing With Feathers

My people...take a look.  It will help, I promise.


It's The End of The World As We Know It

Zion is the...oooh, No.  hhhhhhhhhhh.  Daily Journal:  Explain IT.  

Kountree ohvur Partea.

Bone Apple Tea!

Love you LOTs,

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Tuesday Prep for Tomorrow's Class

Today is Election Day!  I am beyond excited to live in a country that supports democracy.  May it reign.

As for class today - there wasn't really a class so what to say?  Thanks?  Hope the meeting helped?  Why am I writing so many question marks?

At any rate, to prep for tomorrow's class, you're going to want to rewatch Sarah Kay's TED Talk from last week and print out the transcript.  You can do that by clicking on the tab that reads "View Interactive Transcript". 

We will be analyzing this amazing young lady's rhetorical strategies in class.  Woot woot!!!!

Love and light, lovelies.


Daily Journal:  Write a paragraph that shows (not tells) us about your favorite meal to eat.   

Monday, November 7, 2016

Daily Journal

Asyndeton:  deliberate leaving out of conjunctions (and, but, or) to PUSH things forward.

Daily Journal for tonight is to write about something of your choosing and use at least one example of asyndeton.

Love and light,


Tomorrow is Counselor Meeting Day.  So have something to read/work on when you're done with your meeting.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Sunday Sun

"When I meet you, in that moment, I'm no longer a part of your future. I start quickly becoming part of your past. But in that instant, I get to share your present. And you, you get to share mine. And that is the greatest present of all."  - Sarah Kay

Class of 2018, these are my current feelings about you and me. Beyond grateful we get to share each other's present.

See y'all tomorrow.


Friday, November 4, 2016

Flu Shots and the Park

Sorry this post is a bit later than usual. The fam bam and I had to go get our flu shots and that led us to the park. Apparently the littles have some mad upper body strength. Didn't get that from me...

At any rate, today's SAS was amazing. I really did enjoy learning from those of you who presented. Always a good time. Period 2 got us rolling and to end with a sing along in period 6...well, that's the cherry on top of the sundae (that I wouldn't eat).

I guess I just want to say thank you. Last school year was not easy or tons of fun for me and I am slowly but surely being reminded that this year is a whole different ballgame. I appreciate your hard work, your effort, your emails, your thoughtful presentations, your presence that adds a light to my daily existence. Even the most reluctant among you presents yourself as kind and observant. I'm not used to that. I'm not used to students cheering each other on, not used to seeing class colors on spirit day, not used to looking forward to each bell so that I can see you, you AND you.

I've laughed more these first few months together than I did all last school year. #truthtea are your reminders: t-chart on Keegan's essay and reading/understanding of the Brain Pickings article I linked for Monday.

And as a thank you, your other weekend homework is to sleep when you're tired, eat when you're hungry and do something that makes your heart happy. Daily Journals will return on Monday. Take some time to just be. You've earned it.

See y'all Monday.

Love and light and gratitude. I think I've fallen in love.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Amoebas and Sharing Bits

The Cubs winning teaches a great lesson about building a team, paying attention to scouting reports, and respecting the process (which ironically leads to fruitful results).  The Time magazine article I read from isn't something I can link, but if you subscribe you can find it I'm sure.  It's called "How the Chicago Cubs Made World Series History" by Sean Gregory.

The rhetorical devices T-chart is due on Monday.  Use Keegan's essay (linked yesterday) for the work.  And read the Brain Pickings article we used in class - "Telling is Listening: Ursula K. Le Guin on the Magic of Real Human Conversation".

SAS #9 tomorrow.  Be ready and send stuff my way in case you don't present.

Have a great afternoon and night.
GO CUBS!!!!!!!!

Love and Light,

Daily Journal:  How do you handle adversity?  Honestly.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Stability in Motion

Thanks for listening today.  I'll link Keegan's essay here. You should print it out by Monday.

I'm going to be a hot mess tomorrow so...

Daily Journal below.

Love and light,

Daily Journal #45:  What are your thoughts on the past three days worth of lessons?

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Sarah Kay TED Talk

Sarah Kay TED Talk here. 

NPR Story Corps

Sorry to be so short.  There's a Cubs game on!!!


Daily Journal:  In honor of Sarah Kay, create a list of 10 things you know to be true.