Friday, August 30, 2019

Assignment for Tuesday

Dear Lovelies,

Happy Friday.  I hope you had a great first week at school and are headed into an enjoyable and relaxing weekend.  We all deserve it.

Before I go any further, two things:  First off, thank you.  I appreciate you showing up.  If I see you on Tuesday, you are MY STUDENTS.  With that comes all the privileges and responsibilities necessary for a fantastic year of learning.  Secondly, the following assignment is due Tuesday EXCEPT FOR PERIOD 4.  Because of the assembly, your assignment is due on Wednesday.

So...what's the assignment?  I want you to write (not type) at least a page of writing that answers the following prompt:  Based on the lessons taught in class this week, how would you describe the manner in which you see?  What is your outlook/philosophy on life?  

Keep in mind some of the influences that impact outlook like DNA, Upbringing, Environment and Experiences.  You are NOT to turn this piece of writing into a sensational piece of gossip or tabloid in, don't be so specific that you are sharing your secrets or airing dirty laundry.  Paint broad strokes.  EX:  My philosophy in life is based on the mantra "Love and Light" due to some unfortunate life experiences that taught me that optimism and joy are choices.  AS OPPOSED TO: Let me tell you what happened when I was 16.  Got it?

You will be expected to hand in your writing at the end of class and you will also be asked to volunteer to present your work.

And while we're at it, I will be giving you our Google Classroom codes next week so be sure to sign up for the class before next Friday.

If you have any questions, I will be checking my email at random points throughout the weekend.  Bear in mind I am not looking for perfection - just conscious, wholehearted effort in response to the aforementioned prompt.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" Whitney Houston

Thursday, August 29, 2019

This Is Water

Lovelies -

One of my favorite days is to introduce David Foster Wallace's speech "This Is Water".  What the hell is water?  Indeed.  If you were absent from class, I am so sorry, but all of you should watch/rewatch the video linked HERE.  Tomorrow in class I expect you to show up with a completed Rhetorical Triangle - that means look up the rhetor and gather basic biographical info about him.

Period 4 will have the Grade Level Assembly so you've got extra time to get the work done.  Otherwise, I'll see all of you in B6 for some more learning.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Give Your Heart A Break" Demi Lovato

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Textbook Day = Limited Learning

Sorry for the wash of a day, Lovelies, but you had to grab your textbooks.  Now that's taken care of, gear up for tomorrow's lesson centered around a basic tenet of class - water....I promise it'll make sense.  Just show up.

Hope you're checking the blog...are you?

And if you didn't fill out/finish/turn in your index card, make sure you do.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Think" by Aretha Franklin

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Hello Rhetorical Triangle

Hi Lovelies,

Hope you had a good day at school. I introduced dancing today (excellent job), the concept of critics not counting, and the beautiful Rhetorical Triangle. You also wrote for a bit of time with the prompt “Your Turn”. I can’t wait to read all about you.

Tomorrow we will be checking out textbooks so please bring your ID cards and schedules. We’ll walk over after we dance and I explain the assignment for post textbooks.

Thank you for a wonderful Day Two in Baby Bungalow B6.

Love and Light,

Today’s Song: “Eye of the Tiger”

Monday, August 26, 2019

Day One, Year 22 in the Books

Hello, Lovelies and Hello Baby Bungalow 6,

Thank you for today. I find it fitting that as I was welcoming new Lovelies to B6, Beloved Room 853 was being torn down. May the new year bring with it all the magic and music, love and light that our old space had.

It was a pleasure meeting all the new faces, and I’m curious to see who opens their hands.

Here’s to a great day.

Love and Light,

Today’s Song: Nothing official yet...just a little from our old playlist. New one will be called “Baby Bungalow 6” on Spotify.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Hello Baby Bungalow B6

Hi Lovelies,

Anyone still out there checking the blog?? 

I hope you had a nice summer and that you're ready for a new academic year.  Congratulations are in order because Baby Bungalow B6 has arrived.  She's got a lot of potential but I will always, always, always have a huge space in my heart for Room 853.  (And in case you care, the whole 800 building is near its end.) 

I'm working on a new book list and if you're interested, stop by at the end of September for a copy.  The new Spotify Playlist will start on Monday, and we may or may not "Circle Up" depending on the integrity of the bungalow floor.  (We moved a table yesterday and the floor kinda sorta broke.)

Sending you all good things as we enjoy the final weekend of summer.  Don't be strangers, dear Seniors. 

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Not gonna lie...I listened to our old playlist.  :)