Thursday, October 5, 2017

Love on Top

what is stronger
than the human heart
which shatters over and over
and still lives

~rupi kaur, page 109

Like Meena Alexander, rupi kaur's writing is reflective of her human condition.  With relative ease, Alexander and kaur both string words together to construct beauty and meaning.  At first glance, both are just stories - just poems.  But upon further examination they are our stories of heartache, our stories of loss, our stories of fear,  our stories of change.  (See what I did there?)

Tomorrow you are expected to have your rhetorical precis for Fault Lines.  That will be turned in when you arrive to class.

I hope to see some of your people tonight at Open House.  It runs from 6-8pm!  (And, y'all Grey's Anatomy is is all about difficult choices.)

Anyhoo, read and write and dance and live and learn.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Beyonce's "Love on Top" with a little "Halo" and slo mo dancing for some classes...


  1. Hope to be back tomorrow. I miss this class!!

  2. WOW my mind was BLOWN in class today. I missed so many details in this piece. I know from now on I need to read more in between the lines and look for more connections within a piece of writing.

  3. Really enjoyed class today and showing me everything I missed and would've never thought of!

  4. Dancing today was so fun, can't wait for SAS tomorrow!

  5. Class was so interesting today, I really got to use my brain and get to know this piece a little more. It showed me all the things I have missed when reading. I can't wait to hear what people say for SAS tomorrow!

  6. My copy of the passage looks like something out of those murder mystery movies where the detective pins clues onto a cork board and links them together with string. Long description, I know. Great knocking down all the expo markers today!

  7. That was a spicy anaphora. I don't think either of my parents are going to open house, but I told my dad that if he goes he should be ready for a good time in period 4.

  8. I got goosebumps while reading page 109 from the sun and her flowers. Just, wow. So good! I can't wait to buy my own copy of the book soon, I am too excited.

  9. I love Grey's Anatomy McDreamy forever lives.

  10. Rhetorical Precis confuse me but this worksheet with the outline helps me visualize them, so thanks Mrs.B.

  11. How is this even a question? Life is too short for you to miss Grey's because of open house.

  12. Can't wait for SAS tomorrow, good luck to those who are presenting!!

  13. Is it just me, or can you sometimes hear Rupi's silky voice when you read her work. I feel like I am having a conversation with her, which is what all good books should make you feel.

  14. Riggs and Meredith all the way!

  15. I freaking love greys anatomy and I can’t wait to learn about new random things tomorrow in class!

  16. Looking forward to some more SAS presentations tomorrow!

  17. awww!! i'm so bummed that i won't be able to hear all the SAS's tomorrow! :(((

  18. Wish I could go class tomorrow, I really enjoy SAS and how people express there thoughts through presenting for the whole class to hear. Thank you for another great day!

  19. I loved making more connections this week and today in class! I can't wait for SAS presentations tomorrow.

  20. My mom went to my classes tonight, like me she really enjoyed yours. Loved the BeyoncĂ© choice for today’s songs!

  21. So excited for class today! I think our class has had really fun SAS's and I actually learn about stufff that doesn't normally cross my mind to learn about!
