Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Outliers Day 2

Ahh, Day 2.  Thanks for listening to the latest updates on the fun in my household...poor Rosabelle.  Such is life.

Your discussions were great though, and I appreciate that very much.  Tomorrow is one last day of chatting so come to class ready to address a few key points:

  • your definition of success
  • your cultural legacy
  • your tendencies, assumptions and reflexes
  • what do you value?
I'll see you tomorrow with hopefully no more stories!

Love and Light,

Today's Song(s): Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" -period 1, "Somebody to Love" - all other classes


  1. I'm loving all the good discussions we are doing in class and having my voice heard. Can't wait to discuss more tomorrow :)

  2. I would watch "The Beltrans' reality TV show for sure.

  3. I saw the Time POY release and am thinking of you! The strongest woman who taught me how to be a woman who can break the silence in our society-- hopefully someone will SAS this (:

  4. gosh, you sound like you're actually living in a sitcom sometimes...

  5. These discussions are immensely captivating for my mind. I send my appreciations and 'thank you's' to all who are willing and proud to speak their with the instruments of their voices. One more day, let's do this!

    1. Those questions to address in class today are so legit, it does sound captivating. Bummed I can't be apart of it but I look forward to hearing all about it!

  6. gosh, you sound like you're actually living in a sitcom sometimes...
