Monday, November 27, 2017

Welcome Back

Ahh, the best thing about returning to school after Thanksgiving Break (aside from you lovelies) is the fact that we have 3 weeks before another glorious vacation.

Thanks for literally showing up even though it's tough to do. 

Today we poured over some MC and noticed patterns or areas of weakness in our tests.  Thanks for creating that chart and giving some info to inform my teaching.

Tomorrow you will be meeting with your counselors (but come to class first and we will go from there).  Additionally, I reminded you of a few things:  SAS Friday, Outliers read by class on Monday 12/4 (though we won't discuss until the next day), Create Something sign ups will be posted THIS Wednesday but all projects are due for submission on Monday 12/11. 

And think about MWF...want to do it? 

Have a great rest of your day (and bring some work for after your a book, work on ISJ, look up SAS topics, etc.)

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Tom Petty "The Waiting"


  1. Feels good to dance again in the morning with my friends <3

  2. Funny how there's only 14 more days of school until our next break, yet it always feels like forever.

  3. I can't believe create something went by that quickly...

  4. Dancing after 4 longggg periods is always such a daily highlight. Looking forward to the week!

  5. I loved spending my time reading Outiers and checking out a few books from Maya Angelou over break. Can’t wait for the Socratic Seminar!

  6. Replies
    1. Mysterious winter figure (like a creative white elephant gift exchange)

    2. essentially a secret santa type deal that requires the entire class, but instead of giving people gifts that cost money you give them gifts from your heart (i.e. Cards, drawings, etc). It's a bit of effort and needs everyone's participation, but it sounds really fun!

  7. i finally found an idea for my create something today and i can't wait to show everyone! i'm very excited about it :)
