Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Picasso Wasn't Picasso Until He Became Picasso *UPDATED*

Today's TED Talk by Sir Kenneth Robinson resonates deeply with me as a lifelong learner and teacher. I am so biased when it comes to education.  I went to a pretty ordinary middle school in Texas that had extraordinary teachers and a very progressive and innovative approach to learning.  In 6th grade I was selected to be a part of a new class called "Autonomous Learners" taught by veteran teacher Vicky Murry.  It was to be a class composed of multiple grades (6th, 7th, 8th) and the curriculum was guided by our teacher but what we got to learn was up to us.  Basically Independent Study with no fear of grades or such nonsense.

In that class I studied everything from authors to artists to scientists to engineering to math to whatever sparked my curiosity.  It's when I fell in love with language and probably why I became a teacher.

It was magical.

Then I went to teach in typical schools with my atypical approach.

And here we are.

Consider what Robinson says...Consider what Annie Dillard says in The Writing Life.  "How we spend our days is of course how we spend our lives."

How are you spending your days?  Chasing your dreams or chasing your tail (my cat Rosabelle does this consistently and while cute for her furry self, not so cute for us humans.)

Think of the countless hours Prince spent playing music, creating music, living music.  Think of Picasso and his art.  Think of Pulisic and his foot skills.  Think of your packets.

This is water.  This is water.  This is water.

On December 11th, you will present your CREATE SOMETHING projects.  The goal?  A creation born from an "original idea that [has] value".

If you want to rewatch the music video of George Harrison's induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, feel free.  And here is a great read from The New York Times that ran after Prince's tragic death in 2016.

I'll see you tomorrow for some learning.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "While My Guitar Gently Weeps"


  1. Never have had to do a project on something like this with such vague requirements, even though the due date is pretty far away I'm really exited to see what people end up presenting!

  2. Todays class has been in my mind all day. I have no idea how to apply it to my life but I know it is the right thing to do.

  3. "If a man speaks his mind in the forest, and no one hears it, is he still wrong?"

    1. You got it wrong bro. It's "If a man speaks his mind in the forest, and no woman hears him, is he still wrong?"

  4. Prince fired his own monitor engineer, wow! “no sitting, no excuses.”

  5. "Our education system has mined our minds in the way that we strip-mine the earth: for a particular commodity."

  6. Vonnegut wasn't the only person that spoke up about creativity. Picasso once said "The chief enemy of creativity is good sense" hmmm that's deep

  7. Honestly one of my favorite lessons so far. It resonates with me a lot and many others.

  8. “If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything creative...” excited to apply this to all aspects of my life (including our create something project!!)

  9. Loved today's song, I've listened to it multiple times already.

  10. Still trying to fully wrap my head around the extent of Robinson's claims, but something about it really resonated with me.

  11. Todays Ted Talk was eye opening and made me take a hard reality check.

  12. Today's TED talk had such a heavy impaction me today and made me rethink my education experience. Thanks for introducing us to such intelligent people.

  13. I'm so bummed out that I had to leave early before the TED Talk was over! I'm watching it again tonight, of course, because this is a topic I'm seriously interested in! Thanks for sharing this with us, Beltran!!!!

  14. Today’s TED Talk really inspired me to not worry as much about grades and instead put more focus on my passions. Thank you for sharing it with us today.

  15. I've played this song three times already and I can't get over Prince's guitar solo

  16. I was so intrigued with Prince's guitar solo because I love music and I also play the acoustic guitar. Even though he played electric, the way he moves one with music fascinated me.

  17. well looks like ive wasted most of my life....

  18. I feel that more schools need to create a program like Beltran's "Autonomous Learners" class. It will finally take us away from the mainstream approach to education and the boring general topics that are mandatory. It would give us a chance to be creative and learn about things we truly care and are passionate about.

  19. I got a lot out of what Sir Ken Robinson had to say, thanks for showing it to us.

  20. "We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality. It cannot lead, it can only serve." Humanity matters, you all. I matter, you matter, we matter. We are the human embodiment of creativity. Pause, process and embrace that. Mindless intelligence will not lead single-handedly to the brighter future.

  21. Me and my best friend used to rant about the flaws of our education system. A letter grade should not determine somebody's intelligence or self worth. We are more than that.

  22. my dad always says that if you end up doing a job you hate, then you did something seriously wrong. i don't see why school should be any different. thank you for showing us this TED talk. sir ken robinson knew how to translate everything i was thinking into a meaningful speech.

  23. "Human flourishing is not a mechanical process, it's an organic process"

  24. Watson had me thinking after class today. Life looks a lot different when you realize doing what you love can shape your future more than the grade you got on your last history test. I'll keep my eyes out for my passions more than quizlets with math formula flashcards.

  25. Also, I've known Harrison's song for a long time, but I've listened to it at least four times today and added it to like six playlists.

  26. I have already came up with an idea for my creative project and excited to start. This project gives me an excuse to do something that I love and have a passion for.

  27. I loved loved loved today’s lesson. It really impacted me and opened my eyes to what I’ve been focused on my whole life. It was really inspiring and I’m excited to use his advice in my life.

  28. I loved today's ted talk. It really spoke me to a way the others havnt.

  29. I loved the Ted talk today and agree with so much he had to say about our education system. I often find myself asking how things like certain topics in math are going to be important in "real life" and how a math grade or other grade in a subject could have a huge effect on our future with college and jobs.
