Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The End of an Era

Dear Room 853,
Thank you for rising up to meet me each day these past 10 years.  Every morning I felt grateful and thankful to unlock your doors and manifest my positive intentions.  You've witnessed so much - from angry, bitter kids who clearly need love to sweet souls who radiate sunshine.  From dance circles to impromptu runways, from TED Talks to spoken word poetry, to peals of laughter and tears of sadness, you, my room, have seen it all.

Thank you for holding space for me and for all the Lovelies from 2009 and on who passed through your doors.  I will miss you.

Love and Light,

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Goodbye Period 5...and Room 853

Period 5 -

Thank you for being a fun class to look forward to after I ate too much food at lunch (or completely forgot to eat because I was too busy talking during lunch).  You will always hold a special place in my heart as the last set of students in this magical space.  And that (almost) the entire Fowler clan was in attendance is the cherry on top of this sweet treat called teaching.

I hope each of you has the summer you deserve - that you wear sunscreen and your heart on your sleeve.

Love and Light for the last time from your English teacher,

P.S. - I'll say goodbye to my precious space after I turn in my keys tomorrow..."what a long, strange trip it's been".

Monday, June 10, 2019

Goodbye Periods 3 & 4

Dear Periods 3 & 4 -

It's always bittersweet to close one chapter, but I truly hope the ending to our time together marks the beginning of a new adventure for you.  Thank you for making the middle of my teaching day always something to anticipate.  From fascinating SASs to mind blowing magic tricks, each day was an absolute trip. 

All the best to each of you as you journey forward.  May the wind forever be at your back and may the road always rise to meet you. #snapsforthat

For the last time, y'all...LOVE and LIGHT,

Friday, June 7, 2019

Goodbye Periods 1 & 2

Dear Periods 1 and 2,

First off, thank you to those of you who physically showed up.  I not only notice that, but I appreciate it as well.  Thank you for walking in all those months ago and staying and giving me and the class a chance.  I hope your experience was a positive one, and that you learned more about the kind of person you are and want to be than whether or not an Oxford comma is needed.  Both are important, yes, but I think one holds more value if you are to live your version of a "good life".  Besides, you can google that grammar sh#t.

Secondly, thank you for allowing me to fulfill my own version of a "good life".  I have a life of abundance and magic and love, and I am grateful every day for the opportunity to use my talents in service of a greater good.  I'm not perfect, and we definitely had good and bad days, but I truly embraced each moment for what it was and what it could teach me.

Finally, the concept of love and light.  I told a few of you this today, but those of us with tattered hearts (all of us, right, but some hide it better than others) have these little cracks caused by life experiences.  The light gets in through those cracks.

Before my first day teaching, way back in 1998, my mother gave me a card that said I was going to do a great job - that she was proud of me - that she loved me more than she could ever say.  A week or so before she unexpectedly entered the hospital in 2016, I forwarded her an email from a student who thanked me for inspiring her.  One of the last texts I received from her said, "I am so proud to be your mother."

I try to make her proud in my intentions, actions, and the manner in which I carry myself.  I hope I did right by you and that she's proud of me still as we close the door on our time together.

Love and Light to you,

P.S. - If you want your Empty Your Cups I will have them for you Monday.  xoxo

Thursday, June 6, 2019


Yes yes yes for these TED Talks. Did you witness some of the magic?

I’m off to prep for Senior Awards - tonight Big Gym. Come watch the seniors get paid!!!

See periods 1 & 2 tomorrow for our last class.

Love and Light,

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Beyond Proud

Today’s TED Talks. Wow. I don’t have the ability to express how wonderful y’all are doing. KEEP. IT. UP.

Textbook return tomorrow. I’m giving y’all 5 minutes so get it done!

Love and Light,

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Take That Tuesday

TED Talks continue to impress, and I can't thank you enough.  I appreciate what each of you is doing, and I cannot wait to hear more tomorrow.

If you are going to be gone on the field trip, I will miss you. 

Love and Light,


Monday, June 3, 2019


Another wonderful day of voices and TED Talks. Thank you for literally showing up despite the nerves and fears. Your stories matter, and it is an honor to witness.

More tomorrow!

Love and Light,