Thursday, April 30, 2015

Brain Drain was Fun

Thank you for playing today.  It was fun.  :)

We'll play more and duh - you can use the format for studying for APUSH and Bio.  When you're having fun, learning is a natural byproduct.

Have a great afternoon and make sure to not only have quality SAS for presentation but have a quality presentation as well.


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Brain Drain Tomorrow

Be ready for Brain Drain!!!!  Some of the categories below...


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

What a Day

Three African-American voices.  Rewatch if you want or watch if you were on the field trip.

First, Obama's speech at the Correspondent's Dinner.  Just google the full version and if so inclined, check out Cicely Strong's speech as well.

Watch Reggie Watts' 2012 TED Talk.  Google his name and the tag "disorients you...".

And finally, Clint Smith "How to Raise a Black Son in America".

Enjoy and understand.


Friday, April 24, 2015

Story Corps

I am beyond proud of you all. Great interviews. I'm excited to listen to the rest after two kid bedtimes, baths, stories, etc.



Thursday, April 23, 2015


- The prompts you need to have thesis statements and 3 pieces of evidence for is linked here.  You'll need your work for class on Monday.

- StoryCorps interviews are due tomorrow with a selfie.  Email them, upload to the app or have some sort of audio/visual proof you did your work.

- Journals (18 by my count) are due by Friday at 3pm.

- SAS tomorrow.  (You may share your interview - or part of it - as your SAS for the week.)


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

TED Talk

Rewatch the Amy Cuddy TED Talk and garner some great tips.  And share the 60 Minutes segment if you are so inclined.

Tomorrow in class please have read this prompt - Question 3 and make sure you have also read the model essays.  Feel free to print them out if you'd like be be prepared to discuss the examples for their strengths and weaknesses.

- AP pre-test work in the LIBRARY tomorrow.  Meet in my room and then A-K goes period 2 and L-Z goes period 3.  
- Make sure you give your guardians/parents the letter re:testing from Superintendent Marten.
- Teacher Appreciation Week is May 4-8th.  (Thought I'd sneak that in there...)
- 18 completed journals due hard copy or via google docs by 3pm on Friday 4/24.  (A's given to those who have consistently shown/uploaded journals since Day 1.)


Monday, April 20, 2015

Juicy Bits (kinda my new favorite phrase...)

So, we went over tips for Argument (Q3).  Do as you wish with the info...I encourage you each to spend at least 30 minutes a day doing something for this test.  Ideas listed below.

- Read cool things, like THIS article on children's books.
- Buy a copy (or read a copy) of Time's latest issue on the Top 100 Influential People.  It's cool.
- Watch TED talks and work/review/add to your chart.
- Go to Starbucks and buy me a soy latte.
- Complete some practice MC passages from AP Central or your prep books.
- Watch "The Colbert Report" or "The Daily Show".
- Browse websites like this one or this one to brush up on terms.
- Listen to a podcast from NPR.  Why not Story Corps or Morning Edition?
- SLEEP.  Nothing like a little quality sleep to keep the mind clear.

See you tomorrow for TED Talk Tuesday.


p.s. - Interviews are due may use a clip for your SAS if you want.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Another Opportunity

Check out this short story writing contest.  Let me know if you are interested.

And HERE is the link to the great study resources for all things AP.

Remember that next week on 4/22 the counselors expect you in the library for pre-AP booklet work.  Last names A-K, period 2 and last names L-Z period 3.


P.S. SAS tomorrow!!!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

New Resources

Check THIS out for some practice exams for AP tests.  And make sure to check out AP Central for released exams and model essays for the prompts.

Any of you interested in the Smarter Balanced tests you'll be taking in a few weeks, look HERE.


p.s. - Start bringing your practice books to class everyday (except Tuesdays and Fridays).

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

TED Talk Chart Diggity Due

As the title proclaims!  Your chart, young ducklings, due to me tomorrow.  With love...

Link to TED Talk here.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Study Tips and Notes

We covered some tips for the Multiple Choice test.  Remember to access this for AP Language terms to know and check out Ms. Effie's website for test tips.  (Just google Ms. Effie.)

TED Talk ready to laugh.


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Donors Choose

With permission, I am posting the link to my Donors Choose Project.  I really want y'all to spread the word if you can to help generate interest in my "Create A Revolution" project.  The link is HERE.  My first donors contributed $200 - woot woot.

Also, special shout out to ES and NF for helping make a special someone's day brighter.  You rock.

SAS tomorrow!  Please, oh, please, please, please come to class ready.

And if you didn't take the time to read yesterday's posted article on high school/college you should.  It doesn't matter if you get into college - what matters is what you do once you're there.


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Updates and Info

So, all of you are required to conduct an interview with a fellow human being who is alive on planet earth.  See below for guidelines:

1.  If you'd like, download the Story Corps app (it's free) that Dave Isay spoke of yesterday.
2.  Follow the instructions on the app.  (If you're just recording on your own, do that instead with a camera or your phone.)
3.  By THIS FRIDAY have a person selected to interview and make sure you submit their name (and your relationship) to me.
4.  By FRIDAY 4/17, have a list of questions you plan on asking your interviewee.
5.  By FRIDAY, 4/24, have the interview completed along with a selfie/photo of you and the person you interviewed.  If you upload the conversation to Story Corps itself, that counts as evidence.


**Daily Journals need to be submitted/checked every day.  Get on that, people.
**SAS on Friday
**Test prep book required in class AGAIN tomorrow.


And just food for thought...HERE. Do you agree or disagree? Or qualify?

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

TED Talk Tuesday and Story Corps

Hope you enjoyed today's TED Talk and that it inspires you to possibly archive your own stories.  You could even interview a loved one and then use the transcript as one of your Daily Journals.

Access the TED Talk here if you want to rewatch or share.

And HERE is an interesting article on the MacArthur Fellowship.  Looks like I'm not the only one who values creativity.  Yay!  :)

And because I cannot wait, check out this absolutely cool podcast/article from this morning's NPR "Morning Edition".  Shout out to Teach for America.

Every piece I give you to read and absorb is meant to be added to your cultural literacy, your memory.  It's up to you to put the pieces together and construct your creation as a thinker and do-er.


P.S. - Don't forget your test prep book for class tomorrow.

P.P.S. - Link to Story Corps is here.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Spring Break is Over...

...that means we have 27 class days before you take the AP Language Exam.  Uhhh...what?  It went by quickly, huh?  With that said, you need to start making College Board your new bestie.  Reading released exams, practicing tests, "studying" by writing  and reading something everyday.  (That's your new assignment by the way...see me if you were absent.)

Check this out for some interesting reading.


P.S. - Get a free copy of the AP Language test prep book from the PLHS Library.  Any will do and bring it to class on Wednesday.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Hi People

I love you, I really do.  But the beach today, y'all?  It was lovely.

Hope your break is going well...sleep, eat, Netflix.  Add nature, too.


p.s. - some great reading here if you're interested...