Friday, October 31, 2014

Due Monday

Monday, please have your prompt and Steps 1-7 done.  Also include and staple your Introduction and first body paragraph.  Thank you!  And Happy Halloween!!!


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Shout Out



Florence Kelley

Practice Timed Writing today.  Access it HERE. (Question 2)

Tomorrow have your chunking done, your rhetorical triangle filled out and the arch question answered.  Friday = SAS and the Halloween Name Quiz.

Our 7 Rules

  1. Draw a blank rhetorical triangle.
  2. Read and annotate the prompt.  Circle the "to" and the verb that follows.
  3. Draw the arch.
  4. Read the text with the arch question in mind.
  5. Annotate!  Chunking.
  6. Fill in the rhetorical triangle.
  7. Draw your roadmap.


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Work work work and Love love love

Please make sure you review all the previous TED Talks and write notes for them.  The one from today can be found HERE.  And any of you interested in Achor's 30 day challenge, the slide is at minute 11:25 in the video.

Really consider your definition of hard work, success, and whether or not you are happy.  It's not a coincidence that so many people say you only live once.

We're going to be reading together tomorrow so come with your brain and more importantly, a good outlook.  Thursday we will be writing.  There.  I said it.  Friday, SAS.

And a little love to period've got something inside.  I know.  My little class of diamonds waiting to be mined...



Monday, October 27, 2014

Your New BFF

I'd like to introduce you to your new best friend.  Actually, two new best friends.

THIS website is lovely for those of you willing to grow into a better writer. Please ignore if you are interested in staying the same.

And THIS here is the first step toward transforming your life.  Again, if you are are not interested in learning, please ignore.

TED Talk tomorrow.
Writing, writing, writing, Wednesday and Thursday.
Friday - SAS.


Sunday, October 26, 2014

A Moment of Silence tomorrow

Hope your weekend is going well. If you haven't heard, there was a school shooting in Washington on Friday. Morgan, my period 4 TA, sent me the following in an email:

"Cole is going to speak about Marysville Pilchuck High School and offer a moment of silence and I was wondering if you could write a blog post to your classes, specifically 4th period. Can you please ask your students to wear red, white and gold tomorrow in honor of MPHS and then come at lunch to be involved in a big group photo to send to the school? Also can you tell 4th period that I would like to video the class during the announcements to send along with the picture to show Marysville that we care too? It would mean a lot to them."

Let's honor her request. Red, white and gold.


Friday, October 24, 2014

Working With Your Writing

Monday we will be using your Timed Writes.  Be ready to learn.  Have a great and safe weekend.

And period 4, remember your Federal Survey Cards!


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Stuff About Stuff

Tomorrow we will be sharing SAS so please have quality info to present.  I would love to be fed delicious little bits of stuff I don't already know.

Thanks for your effort today on our first Timed Write.  I will read them and return with scores on Monday.  We will use them as our lesson in fact.

I have an after school meeting today.  Think of me...


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I Sent Out a Group Message...

Z girl I love you.

Students, be ready to write tomorrow.  A train is a comin'...

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

TED Talk Tuesday

Drew Dudley.  Leading with Lollipops.  Seriously.  Don't be typical and widen your lens.  That's what leadership is.  Period 7, you make the end of my school day very happy.  Thank you.

For tomorrow, make sure you read yesterday's blog post.  Lots of writing and work to be done this week.

See you later.


Monday, October 20, 2014

A Little Bit of Work

In addition to making sure you have quality notes (based on what we did in class today), please READ THIS.  Then, analyze the syntax.  Bring that analyzation and a copy of the excerpt to class on Wednesday.  We're going to use it as the foundation for our lesson.  So I certainly hope you are reading the blog and doing your work and making sure you live into your possibility as a learner in this class.

Here's a cool article.  And ooh, Obama's moist feet.  I love you!!

TED Talk tomorrow.


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Friday Writing

In case you want a head start...

Kendra Eash's "This is a Generic Brand Video", published in February 2014 for McSweeney's Internet Tendency, is a video worth watching.  Please analyze this text within the framework of the rhetorical triangle, paying close attention to the effects of the devices used.  


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Summary vs. Analysis

Hopefully you took notes today in class.  If you were absent, please see a classmate to copy.

***Your A letters are due tomorrow!!!!*** "Dear Ms. Beltran, I got my "A" in my class because..."

Today we watched THIS.  It's a gem.  Thanks to LP for sharing on Friday for SAS.  Please make sure you have both a summary and a list of the questions you asked yourself about the text.  Bring those to class on Friday.

Tomorrow is our SAS for the week.  Please feed our brains.  I, for one, am hungry.


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Sir KR

Forgot to post!  Yikes!!!

TED Talk = Sir Kenneth Robinson's "How Schools Kill Creativity". My all time favorite. It's just about perfect.


Monday, October 13, 2014

Letters Due Thursday

A change in schedule for the week:  Thursday you will be presenting Stuff About Stuff.  Be aware.

Your letters, the ones post dated to June 2015, are due no later than Thursday's class.  Please consider taking your time and writing something that is both thoughtful and useful to your growth junior year.  I'm excited to read them before I file them away.  Maybe you should consider keeping a copy that you can access as well - for those days when the "voice" gets too loud.

Thanks for showing up to class today.  And happy 2nd six weeks.


Friday, October 10, 2014

Open House Happened... wonder you guys are awesome.  You come from good people.  Did you hear that I gave some of your families homework?  Yep.  To watch the same TED Talk we will be watching next Tuesday.  Most of you have seen it already, but it's like a great song.  You definitely "listen" to it all the time.

Hope y'all have a great weekend full of fun and rest and, I have to, READING.  Need a recommendation?  See me!!



Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Open House is Tomorrow

Just a friendly reminder that Open House is happening tomorrow.  I hope to see your families there!

In other news, tomorrow, be ready with a creative presentation on your rhetoric project.  All of you will share in small groups, then I will randomly select class presenters.

Friday is SAS Round V.

Ooh, and HERE is a video that is definitely worth your time.  Aside from the emotional aspect, consider the ethical and moral debate surrounding quality of life and a person's right to choose.  


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

More Thoughts on Ubuntu

Boyd Varty.
"What I Learned from Nelson Mandela"
I mean, really!
Again and again.

If you're interested in learning more about Ubuntu, click HERE.

Don't forget your quality rhetoric tomorrow.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Wednesday L.O.

On Wednesday, please bring to class a quality example of rhetoric.  It can be a written example, a visual example, or even something auditory that we can listen/view.  Don't do anything with it, just bring it and remember NOT to go with the first or second or even third idea.  Be original.  We will use your example in class Wednesday.

- a video clip
- an excerpt from a book
- a painting
- a photograph
- a symbol
- a speech


Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday Fun Day

So SAS Round IV...I'm writing at 8:07am so I'll predict my happiness at what you've shared.  So thanks...Hope y'all have a great weekend.  Watch What's Your Squakers McCaw (google it on youtube).  Watch "A Few Good Men" (great movie), read for pleasure since it'll be so hot and you'll go to the beach and chill.  Feed your brain!!!!

Happy Weekend,

*** As per the awesome period 3 student who shared her dad's life lessons:
1.  What other people think of you is none of your business.
2.  Time is money.  Be your own boss.
3.  Things happen and things will change.  Every life will have a perfect storm.  It will pass.
4.  Make How Much You Spend  (be smart with your money)
5.  Be an informed citizen.
6.  Everything's negotiable.  Ask.
7.  No mistakes.  Only opportunities to learn.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Writing Assignment

***PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SURVEY.  You'd be helping me out and the school.  Just click HERE.  Thank you!!!***

Have a final draft (written neatly, in blue or black pen) of your rhetorical precis for David Brooks' NYT article Fly the Partisan Skies.  (The link to the article is on Monday's blog post.)

Make sure you also research David Brooks so you know who he is - just google him and feed your brain.

Tomorrow in class you will be sharing your precis aloud in a small group for evaluation so come to class prepared.  We will share out the best ones and you'll also read mine as an example.  Just practice, so no stress unless you like stress in which case, stress away!

Friday is SAS Round 4 so bring items you are excited about, authentically interested in.
