Thursday, December 14, 2017

Day 4

When I was younger, we didn't have a lot in terms of money, but my sister and I had no idea how little we had until one holiday morning.  All I wanted that year for Christmas was a Barbie Dream House.  All my sister wanted was matchbox cars.

What we got instead was a shared present - a yellow pencil sharpener...the school kind that can be mounted on the wall.

For years, we sharpened our pencils with that yellow sharpener.

My homework assignments were done with pencils sharpened by that present.

My ACT was taken with pencils sharpened by that present.

My rough draft of college essays were sharpened by that present.

And to this day, that present remains one of the greatest gifts I have ever received.

That is, until after lunch today when I was gifted a plastic bag.

There's a story behind that bag - one that is mine alone - because that bag brought me right back to when I first learned the difference between a present and a gift.

So a huge thank you to the kind soul who gifted me that bag.  It means the world.

More Create Something tomorrow and FINAL MWF DAY.  Keep your presents with you and make sure you're ready for the big reveal.

Love and Light,

Today's Songs:  all over the place

P.S. - Period 5...see you at noon!


  1. I can’t wait to see everybodies reaction to their MWF

  2. Excited for last round of Create Something!!

  3. Such a great week to head into break

  4. your story is always so inspiring and helps me cherish what I have. I can't wait for this big unveiling!

  5. Such a smooth and effortless transition into the icy cold, blissful holiday season. And as Joe Landon had said, your words inspire the best and the greatest from myself and I am most certain from many others inclusively. I wish for the best and decadent of fortune to spring upon you, as we usher into a new yet equally as successful of a year. I wish you all safety and happiness.
