Tuesday, October 10, 2017

TED Talk Tuesday

Benjamin Zander.

My word. It's amazing to me how any subject can be engaging if the rhetor knows how to weave a tale. Today's TED Talk is one that makes me think and reconsider my views on all genres of music - not just classical. If you were absent, just search up Zander.  TED. The Transformative Power of Classical Music.

Annotate the transcript.
Own the piece.

For periods 4 and 5, send an email with your answer to the question I posed. Periods 1-3, I'll be reading your responses tonight.

Tomorrow have your annotated Klosterman text. AND LOOK UP THE RHETOR PLEASE.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Sir Duke" Stevie Wonder


  1. Just as Zander influenced up to more than a thousand people through his voice, I am also inspired to do the same for my TED talk. I’m nervous, but I look forward to it! Beautiful TED talk today, thank you.

  2. That TED Talk alone made me like classical music a little more

  3. I am now going to listen to Ben Zangler's classical music.

  4. I find it really interesting how a topic as harmless as classical music can provoke such a vast spectrum of reactions from various people...

  5. I literally got chills listening to the composition the second time around in class today (when he told us to think about someone we had lost). That was such a wild experience, I'm looking forward to listening to it again tonight.

  6. That TED talk really got to me. All the connections being made... it was awesome. Can't wait for tomorrow.

  7. Loved how he said Classical music is for everyone, it's so true

  8. So cool to see somethings that we ignore, can actually become apart of our life.

  9. Really interesting and emotional TED talk.

  10. I've had that song stuck in my head all day.

  11. Whenever I listened to classical music in the past I could kind of see how it could sound happy or sad, but actually putting a story to the music was really cool. Loved the TED talk today!

  12. In my perspective, classical music has been a piece of my individuality, beginning at stage one of childhood. Vaguely, yet all the while memorably distinctively, I recall of my view adjusted to my two harmlessly small baby hands toying with my wooden alphabet blocks, in the attempt to perfectly recite the alphabet without needing to burden dear ole' father for his strong guiding hand. I recall of the radio placed somewhere, hidden in the background and the melody drifting smoothly past the speakers and into my curious ears, never to have known that I would soon be tuned in for the coming years.

    Today, I was reintroduced, much like a second greeting or second appointment to the same clinic yet checked in to a completely different physician. A physician, that has conducted graciously of the strings of my soul and mind to grasp a completely unique and very so different approach to understanding the classical genre.

    It's hauntingly contagious. Gorgeously ungodly. And today, I could not possibly be more appreciative to the afternoon gift delivered to my senses. Thank you ever so much, as always.

  13. I personally really enjoyed today's Ted Talk because I have an interest in classical music, I have that interest because I play tuba.

  14. knowing about music made this TED talk a little bit cooler to me, but i love how zander made it so even people who don't necessarily know a ton about music could follow and find meaning in his talk.

  15. Zander's talk was really moving. I came home and watched it three more times, the third time with my mom who claims she "isn't really into the whole TED Talk thing." She's seen today's talk as well as Do Schools Kill Creativity and she shared both on Facebook, so success? Maybe? Zander won her over!

  16. I really enjoyed hearing what Zander had to say about classical music today in class.

  17. TED needs the transformative power of Alice in Chains . . .

  18. I was once a piano player, but that ended once I decided other things were more important. Shame. Today made so much sense to me. Classical music is a force to be reckoned with- powerful, purposeful, and moving, no matter what tongue you're used to. Something to think about. Loved it.

  19. Yesterday's Ted Talk was awesome! I never really thought of Classical music until now. Sometimes, I listen to Classical music for background music in homework, but I will totally listen to it more now. Don't let Classical music die!
