Friday, September 29, 2017

Week Five Is In The Books

I kind of had a moment when I realized today during 5th period that we are entering Week 6 as a class.  How can that be?  It seems like we just met yet possess the familiarity of family.  Fascinating.

Thank you for the great presentations today.  I learned more about interesting topics and got an even deeper glimpse into personalities and personas. 

In an effort to prepare for next week, REVIEW YOUR RHETORICAL DEVICES.  You know better than me how you learn so make flashcards or quizlets or lists.  Whatever it takes because on Monday you need to know the 23 terms you used on your projects.  Trust me.

Have a great weekend and I'll see you in October.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: Earth, Wind and Fire "September"


  1. I enjoyed all the presentations today! I'm pumped for my presentation coming up. The importance of breakfast stuff we heard today is somewhat related to a subject which I feel very strongly about and can't wait to share.

  2. I had a good time sharing today and I enjoyed getting to watch everyone’s SAS presentations.

  3. i liked how personal the SAS presentations were in my class today. i learned some stuff about stuff, but i also learned some stuff about people in our class. can't wait to learn more!

  4. I had a great time presenting today. For the first time in awhile I felt comfortable talking to a bigger audience...I can thank the dancing for that.

  5. Hey wish I could be there because I am in the middle of nowhere right now. But those SAS's sounded like they were cool.

  6. Is it seriously week six? Jeez, it still feels like week three to me.

  7. I was very nervous for my SAS but I'm very glad that I did my presentation because now more people know what Kalimbas are.

  8. Six weeks so soon? Is this true? Could it be true? I do not believe it. Although, I would be the one to beg the differ, I must face facts and accept that time is simply is not in hands of favor of us Point Loma High School students. Anyhow, I personally am, very estatic for yet another productive and academically successful week of school, especially in classroom 853. The true home of the finest form of education for the next generation. See you all, refreshed and we'll rested for another adventure!

  9. I was in LA this weekend and saw a street signed named "Sawyer" and I instantly started thinking of all those greek mythology stories. Funny how quickly the brain recalls stories related to word association. (I bet Riley knows more about that one)
