Thursday, January 14, 2016

Klosterman Introduction

Thanks for participating in class today and watching the Donald Trump video.  Your job is to analyze the Klosterman introduction by class on Tuesday.  I'll be looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the piece - not how you feel.  :)

Please PLEASE PLEASE get your Daily Journals up to date.  Don't paint yourself into a corner with missing journals.

I'll see you tomorrow with SAS - no videos.  Quality presentations.



  1. Even though I dislike Donald Trump the video today was very interesting. It's so important to realize other peoples language choices.

  2. I disagree with the notion that was made in the video that Donald Trump isn't necessarily smart. To be a successful businessman at his level, intelligence is required. As ridiculous as some of his proposals are, such as banning Muslim immigration (which is unconstitutional), listening to him speak on the economy shows that he does have some real-world knowledge on it. If anyone watched the debate tonight, his discourse about China was actually fairly substantiated. I was also impressed by his composure when speaking of 9/11 to defend New Yorkers after Cruz made an attack on them. No, Trump isn't my favorite candidate (that title goes to Rand), but he certainly isn't an idiot like some people would like to think.
