Sunday, January 24, 2016

Daily Journal #126 - Laundry & Love

The sun is streaming through windows by the kitchen table.  I can see dust motes dancing in its warm rays.  My kids are in the midst of imaginative play and the hubby is hooping with a dear friend.  Load number one of laundry is in the machine and my coffee sits in a mug from A.

Every sip makes me think of her and how I call her my eldest daughter because in so many ways she is.  I didn't give birth to her but I have...

...braided her hair.

...made her lunch.

...hugged her.

...wrapped gifts for her.

...laughed with her.

...annoyed her.

...missed her.

...let her go.

That's what a mama does.

I saw her brother on Friday, this fresh faced child with eyes just like hers.  I called out his name and he looked around startled before he recognized me and smiled.

It's amazing to me that I have only one heart and this intense capacity to love.  No matter how many souls I fall in love with, there's always room for one more.  Then another, then another.

I told a dear one the other day that he owned prime Park Place realty in my heart.  And he does.  Lots of other people reside there too.  When I was younger I used to think you couldn't love like that.  I thought love meant you could only have feelings for one person or maybe a handful.  How wrong I was.

The more space you make in your life for love, the more love you have to make space for.  How wild is that?

So, to A, my eldest daughter:  I LOVE YOU.  I love you the way I love my Z and my A.  I love you like I carried you around for nine months, like I met you when you were a second old, like I cradled you when you couldn't sleep, like I lathered you up with bubbles and let you play.

The love I feel for you won't extinguish until I do, and I hope you feel secure in that knowledge.

Forever my Hug Monster.


  1. The more people that enter your life the better, that is what is so great about life. You just have to watch out though, sometimes its the one who's closest who does the most damage.

  2. My grandma and I both are in tears. This is beautiful

  3. I love love love this. Thank you for sharing!

  4. Thank you for giving us time to study for our finals in class!

  5. Love reading your daily journals, Mrs. B. Hope you have a beautiful week, you deserve it!!

  6. This is really well written...thank you for sharing it with us.

  7. Your writing is so helpful, and beautiful. This was truly inspiring.

  8. In life, it is always the people you interact with that change your life he most. Love is stronger than anything. The ones who you love will either hurt you the most or help you the most.

  9. I wonder what it would be like to have a heart like yours. Hope you have a good finals week Ms. Beltran :)

  10. Your journals always remind me the importance of spreading love to everyone and anyone.

  11. This post made my heart swell. Thank you for bringing a little positivity into my life today.

  12. Hi, Ms Beltran! Have a happy Monday!

  13. I showed my Mom this after I read it. I love the way you describe your love for others so much.

  14. Absolutely loved this, not only is your writing exiquisite but the message along with brings hope to humanity and a glimmer to my eye. Thank you for sharing it in your blogpost!

  15. It's eye opening to see what your writing is like, you always see ours and showed us a bit of yours. Thank you!

  16. I am in tears. Why can't everyone have a heart like you?
