Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Daily Journal #115 - My Head & My Heart

My body is wired in a unique way that inadvertently causes extreme emotion to manifest in extreme physical reaction.  I get what I call "Happiness Headaches".  (Note: I should call them "Why Did You Tell Me That?Headaches".)  They usually occur when I lack mindfulness in my interactions - when I allow myself to get too caught up in other people's stuff.

After lunch today I began to feel that all too familiar feeling at the edge of my brain, and by the end of sixth period I could feel each pump of blood as my heart dutifully worked to gift me with breath and life.

As I sit here writing, the dull ache of too much stuff is swirling in my noggin' still, and the pain serves as a gentle reminder that I need to take care of myself.  I am nothing to anyone else if I am not well.

My stuff matters too.