Thursday, January 14, 2016

Daily Journal #116 - Writing Challenge

A friend of mine has thrown down the proverbial gauntlet for a 30 Day Writing Challenge.  The "experiment" (as he calls it) begins tomorrow and each participant is tasked with writing 500 words a day for 30 consecutive days.  These words can be about anything, they must be publicly shared, and we are meant to write honestly.

My friend is pretty kicka#! if you know what I mean.  He's an entrepreneur, a yogi, a photography, a dancer, a boxer, an artist, a writer, a world traveller, and a social activist.  In addition, he is intelligent, sarcastic, innovative, and tastefully adorned with tattoos.  (That last detail is irrelevant though it does give some insight into...well, I'm not sure but I'd say it's something...Lenny Kravitz just popped into mind.)

I've decided to participate in the challenge, and the reason I write about it here is because I want my students to realize that I do indeed practice what I preach.  In order to become a better writer, you must read and you must write.

I've kept a daily journal since I was in elementary school but with my entrance into motherhood, my daily journaling fell to the wayside as I attempted to right my new world of 2 full time jobs - both of which are of monumental importance.

So I begin again with this challenge and I suppose I shall see what is created and written in the next month.  (And since I often need to self-censor due to young eyes, these Daily Journals won't be considered my "challenge" writing.)

I'm excited and hopeful and looking forward to what will be born.

I think I've got a lot to say.

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