Monday, January 4, 2016

Daily Journal #106 - What I See

New haircuts, new clothes, new beginnings - that's what I saw today as we acclimated to this life of bells and burdens.  What is school?  What has it become?  Personally, I think it's become distracting, superficial, and honestly, a bit lame.  That you are herded like cattle from one stall to the next.  Ugh.  I hope you find some relief and joy entering our classroom, but who knows?  Who knows about anything?

Great conversations and laughter today all around but my favorite was lunch.  I have too much fun at lunch!  Alas, we will never be friends.  I shared that with you today.  Maybe in the future.  And I realized I could be a student's mom.  What?!    Am I really that old?  Seems like I am but I certainly don't feel it. 

What I feel is inspired to be better, do better, make conscious choices, breathe.  I'm surrounded by light and love and I am grateful...

My entry is all over the place, sort of like my mind.  But I needed to mind dump before picking up Thing 2.  Writing is good for the soul. 

I'm off to stop.


And go.


  1. I was so sad I couldn't stay for your class today. It was honestly the only thing I was looking forward to today. Instead I was loopy on Vicodin from the surgery. 👍🏻

  2. 4th period was the best class I went to today 💜.

  3. You're right, the bells are horrible.

  4. I was very happy to see you again!

  5. Relief and joy is correct! Thanks for the wonderful welcome back to school from break, Beltran!

    1. Excited to see what you do these next few months Kilane.

  6. The lesson was so good today. Thank you for helping us grow into not just better writers, but healthier people!

  7. Great to be back! I loved seeing and talking to everyone about their holiday break in class. Good and bad.. Can't wait for tommorow!

  8. 4th period was really fun today:)
