Sunday, December 27, 2015

Daily Journal #98 - Gratitude

I am grateful for so many things.

First and foremost, I am grateful for my health.

I am grateful for my beloved.

I am grateful for the necklace that is around my neck because my A made it for me.

I am grateful for the leaves that blew across my driveway.

I am grateful for the feeling of the sunshine on my face.

I am grateful for the email correspondence I've been having with a dear one.

I am grateful for MG and FWM and our time together today.

I am grateful for the hum of activity that permeates my house - football on the tv, people noshing on potato chips, laughter.

I am grateful to be alive.


  1. Like Shawn says- find three things to be grateful for. Love that you appreciate all the little things!
