Thursday, October 1, 2015

Rhetoric that Rocks

You were exposed today.

And if you weren't here, I am so sorry for your loss.  It was good.

Here's the link to the edited Cheryl Strayed excerpt we read in class.  Reread a thousand times and analyze her rhetorical techniques.

And because I love you, David Foster Wallace's This is Water.  Come on.

And in an effort to remind you that your brain is a muscle, check out another interesting bit from NPR this morning.  Bill Withers....and if you don't know him, come on!

And the NPR Race link wasn't working. Just google it. :)

SAS tomorrow!!



  1. When I try to click on the NPR link it goes to the outlook login page for some reason.

  2. I absolutely love this woman! I'm reading through a lot of her quotes and I'm getting my hands on this book asap. thank you for sharing it.

  3. Your class was the best part of my day today. Thank you for exposing us. (:

  4. I enjoyed that NPR piece! It even relates to something we're doing next door. Connections!

  5. Bummed I missed class today but I did enjoy the linked video and excerpt!

  6. My SAS today is very interesting, hopefully everyone takes into consideration of what I will be talking about! See you in 7th period !

  7. Have a good weekend Mrs. Beltran :)
