Saturday, October 24, 2015

SAS Roundup

Before my date night begins...SAS roundup for you.  So much great stuff.  I don't even know where to start but here are some highlights.

Human vs. Horse via NPR - truly bizarre

Why Most People Die Before Age 25 - "step into your grace", my friends...

The Four Agreements - book by Don Miguel Ruiz (the link is to a pdf if you want to read some)

If I Should Have a Daughter - Sarah Kay (she is also my jam)

Ashton Kutcher - that's what I'm talking about! "The "sexiest" thing in the entire world is being smart." His quote, though it could be mine.

Billions in Change movie trailer - y'all need to listen to this one because I have picked up on what some of you deem "success" and that's tied into net worth.  I hope you see that once you make a certain amount of money (last time I looked it up, it was about $80,000) you can't make more to be "happy".  Tie in to Shawn Achor.  CONNECTIONS!!!

All things Ta-Nehisi Coates - I couldn't pick a link so explore as you see fit.

And definitely scroll back and read my SAS and the other links I posted about sports/swagger and the confidence gap.  We need to start a revolution.

Really, you guys did a great job.  But a particular shout out to periods 2 and 6.  It was like watching tributes in the arena.  Mad respect.



  1. SAS was insane! I love our period's enthusiasm!

  2. I'm feeling confident about my SAS now since its up there 😄❤ have a great Sunday !!!! ❤

    1. Thank you for sharing that speech. That was one of my favorite speeches last year. We all have to be sexy.

  3. I just watched the "Why Most People Die Before Age 25" it was just really breath taking tbh like I don't even know what to say.

  4. That Human vs. Horse video was super cool!! I would have never guessed any of the information provided, I also didn't know what humans were better long distance runners!

  5. Had so much fun presenting on Friday! Can't wait for next week!

  6. I love Ashton Kutcher's Ted talk, it's great!

  7. Fight to the death for a turn to talk, haha!

  8. If you are to experience Sarah Kay's Ted Talk, you're missing out.
