Thursday, October 22, 2015

Daily Journal

I don't know why I feel compelled to post my Daily Journals online.  I usually just write them down as I attempt to unwind from living the dream.  I've been writing daily since I was in elementary school - at first, lame entries indicative of my age.  I wrote about how Sabitha did my hair before basketball practice or how AJ really liked me but I didn't like him that way.  Then my journals morphed into divorce and sadness, the need to be perfect (no wonder I'm so against it now) and how stressful it was to pretend to be happy when I wasn't.  High school entries were mostly about my mom and how she was diagnosed with cancer my junior year and how I hid that little factoid of information from, oh, everyone and still maintained my 4 point something GPA and all my "leadership" roles in clubs.  College journals were all about how I knew everything and how I was most definitely in love with THE ONE (who incidentally turned out not to be The One after all) and post college I was all about how I didn't need anyone until I met this person who ended up being my very best friend on earth (and incidentally did turn out to be The One).

And now here I am, writing to??? you? no one? me? about how my heart just keeps exploding and how ridiculous that must appear to my students who have very little insight into how deeply I love or how I see the world.

When I was five, my mom sent me to the backyard to feed our dog Ruff.  After I scooped the food into his metal bowl, I sat on the cement steps of our back porch and stared at the pecan tree that was in the backyard.  A pecan fell to the ground and I realized that the tree was older than me and would live longer than me too.

When I was in first grade, I climbed to the top of a play structure that was in the shape of a snail.  I watched all my peers milling about beneath me like little ants and all the while my mouth was open.  (I had this bad habit of living in my head and my mouth would just fall open).  As I sat there in the Texas sun, a bumble bee flew into my mouth.  It so shocked me that I stopped breathing.  It buzzed around in my mouth so swiftly and surely that I felt the fuzz on my inner cheek.  Because I didn't move, the little sucker just buzzed on out and away.

When I was in sixth grade, I got chicken pox.  As I recovered in my room, I heard a lawn mower outside and could smell the fresh cut grass.  I realized then that despite my ailments, itches and general despair, the world still moved on.  Life still happened and I didn't matter one bit.

That was then.  And this is now.

Andrea Gibson, the spoken word poet, once wrote:

In the end
I want my heart
to be covered
in stretch marks

Every time I read one of your journals, my heart breaks a little more.  I read about your fears, your stresses, words that hurt (some from friends, some from teachers like me) and my heart...

it just...


But I keep reading and hoping and wishing that you could see what I see.



  1. “Practice isn't the thing you do once you're good. It's the thing you do that makes you good.” ― Malcolm Gladwell

    So true and something similar to this quote,

    "Leaders aren't born they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work (10,000+ Hours). And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal." -Vince Lombardi

    Can't wait for SAS tomorrow!

  2. You're only human and a strong one if I do say so myself. Your journals break our hearts as well, but it seems that I enjoy the pain because your writing is so compelling. If you made a book of all your journals I would definitely read it.... I think the world would too.

  3. Thank you for letting us see you. This kind of information is exactly what I've been craving to learn.

  4. I hope you keep writing your journals online as your writing is one I hope to learn from. I learned so much from you and your class last year and I feel as if I am still learning from you. Thank you for everything, Ms. Beltran!

  5. Beautiful words. Sometimes you just have to stop and take a moment to just BE in the present and take in the world around you. It's crazy to think that I don't really know anything about most of people I see everyday. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Bizzare isn't it? I hope you keep writing those daily journals so we have the pleasure to read it.

  7. Your journals are poetic and ring with truth. I love how open you are with your students. It's really good to see 'you', not just as a teacher, but as a mom, a person, a wife exc. it makes learning in your class easier

  8. My heart Beltran it breaks for you as you stretch it everyday for the better. Thank you for letting us see all of you and letting us be seen by you. see you for SAS

  9. It's weird that today, of all days, I decided to check on the happenings of AP Language, two years after I had my very special time in your class. You always know how to break my heart in the most beautiful ways. Thank you for showing me the beauty in vulnerability and teaching me to embrace heart break, good and bad. I credit much of who I have become today to you. Your authenticity and vulnerability as a teacher always amazed me, and still does. I hope all is well with you. Much love always. Xoxo

  10. Thanks for sharing, it was good!

  11. You're the best Beltran! Thank you for sharing! :)

  12. I've used that quote in almost all of the class writing sessions and also a couple times in my practice ACT for the writing portion. Actually, I've used almost every quote that is in your class in anything that involves writing.

  13. My favorite blog post so far! Thank you for shedding some advice/ wisdom that this age group needs!❤️

  14. Whenever I make eye contact with you in class, I wonder how you feel about my daily journals(I'm not sure why this seems relevant). After reading this I knew I wanted to comment, but I had no idea what to say. I guess I just want you to know I care about your life the same way I know you care about our lives :)

  15. I love the way you express yourself. I don't even know what exactly to comment, but I know that you're a wonderful person! It's nice to know that I can relate to your high school life a little bit.

  16. Fillin' my heart everyday YB. Sending buckets of love your way.

  17. wow. Just wow. Thank you for sharing that Ms. Beltran!

  18. My favortie blog post you've shared so far. Thank you so much for this.

  19. I only now realized someone had already commented the same thing I just did. I still think it's true though!
