Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Hi Buttercups

Hope y'all had a good day with the sub.  I'm excited to see you tomorrow.  TED Talk Wednesday? Not quite the same ring.  Oh, and if you have any Post-It's, bring them to class.  Just sayin'.


p.s. My Daily Journal below 'cause I am doing my work!!!  Are you???

Taco Tuesday

My maternal grandmother's homemade Mexican rice was just about perfect.  A secret blend of magic and spices, an iron skillet of it was always ready and waiting when we pulled up to her house.  Steaming next to a bubbling pot of beans, the rice was light and fluffy and tasted like love.

My mom makes rice like that, too, though she always insists that Momo's was better.  And maybe it was, but my mom's rice is just as treasured when it's made.  On visits from Texas, my sweet little family of four can expect a skillet of rice ready and waiting when we pull into the drive after a long day of doing whatever it is that we do.  Steaming next to a bubbling pot of beans, the rice is light and fluffy and tastes like love.

My rice is getting there.  Bursting forth with the flavor from three generations of Ramos women, my rice is a not so secret blend of self-doubt and building confidence.  Every Tuesday when I make it, it tastes a little better.  So earlier, when my girls were yelling and my husband was mediating, I stood in the kitchen concocting what I know to be true.  Steaming next to a bubbling pot of beans, the rice will be light and will taste like love.


  1. I love when you post your journals.

  2. Oh no! Not the "b" word again. :(

    I can smell the rice as you describe it. Such powerful writing. You always make me tear up a little. And now I want rice and beans.

  3. Now I'm hungry. Hungry for knowledge and for rice.
    Sad part is, I just ate.

  4. Love, love loveeee. Please continue to share your journals. I think I can speak for everyone when I say that they always put a smile on our faces.

  5. Coming from Mexican routes myself, I have yet to even come close to trying to make rice as good as my grandmothers. Ps. Reading your Daily journal made me hungry! See you tomorrow for Ted Talk Wednesday (yeah you're right, doesn't have quite the same ring to it).

  6. i love the butter cup name, but not what it means

  7. When the sub read your comments on each of the multiple choice selections, I envisioned you speaking them. They were just so… you. Hope your sick day was one well spent <3
