Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Juicy Bits & Multiple Choice

I was listening to NPR this morning and this very fascinating program came on regarding gifted and talented programs in Houston, Texas.  It caught my attention because I started my teaching career in Houston back in 1998.  Anyhoo, the claim is that minority students in the Houston Independent School District are overlooked for GT programs.  I'd encourage you to take a listen.

As a Hispanic female who grew up in Texas and took a test one day that changed my life (and has me typing these words to you today) I urge you to consider the claim that is being made.  Are "blacks and Latinos" being overlooked?  What are the demographics of your upper level/AP classes?

In terms of MC, continue reflecting on the thinking that goes into strategy.  A test doesn't show your character, it just shows your skill set.

Tomorrow come prepared for brain food.  And Friday I expect for you to "feed me" with quality SAS.


p.s. - Outliers needed by October 12th.  Check out Thrift Books if you're looking to purchase a copy.  BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO!  Go to the library! AND, you will also be required to read John Steinbeck's East of Eden so you might want to start looking for copies.


  1. Sounds like a very interesting point! Thanks for sharing this! I'll be sure to be prepared for tomorrow and Friday!

  2. I'm so excited to start reading outliers

  3. Thanks so much for sharing! Very excited for class tomorrow and presenting on Friday!

  4. Just bought Outliers for $8.04. Also, if you're a first time buyer there is a coupon code that saves you 15% off your order.

  5. I listened to that on the way to school this morning and it really got me thinking about privilege and what it means to be "gifted."

  6. I just ordered East of Eden and Outliers! Also, very excited for class tomorrow! Hope you had a great day today Beltran :)

  7. I ordered both of those books and it was only $12! Pretty awesome resource.
