Monday, October 19, 2015

To You

I just read M's written reflection for her first 6 weeks in my class, and it couldn't have come at a better time.  Thank you for saying what you did.  (And you, too, DB.)  This class will NEVER be a typical English class because I am at its helm.  I am not perfect, but I am vulnerable in every way.  I literally show up willing to give my best, to guide, to teach, and for those of you able to receive that, game on.  The rest of you will simply have to catch up.

Thank you to you - the you's who "get" it, the you's who don't snicker or talk behind other people's backs, the you's who are choosing to step out of The Circle Thingy and become more.

This is a class of movers and shakers, doers and joy seekers.  Show up tomorrow and be MY STUDENT.  Not just a student.

You are better than this.

I know this is true.

TED Talk Tuesday tomorrow.  A new day...a new opportunity.



  1. Can't wait for tomorrow's TED talk. They have been getting better every week :)

  2. I hope your students this year listen to this and take what you say to heart. Last year, we had a rough start when we struggled to read the blog. Now I can say that I learned so much from you and APEL. From someone who took the class and even successfully passed the AP test, all I can repeat is your motto "Be here now". It may not be a conventional English class, but that does not mean you are not going to learn! You have to listen and be an ACTIVE student. You are not wrong to think they are better than this! It will get better. It did for us. Miss you and 7th period Ms Beltran!

  3. I like the idea of starting over and a new day. Can't wait to see the next Ted Talk tomorrow

  4. I don't think anything can to last weeks TED Talk, Jabroni was historical. New day, new beginning.

  5. We should all thank YOU for being such a great teacher. I'm still looking forward to growing and learning from you. Very excited for the TED talk tomorrow. See you then!

  6. Cubs need to get their act together tomorrow!

  7. Thank you for pushing us to be the best that we can, and exceeding our own expectations. We are very lucky to have you as a teacher!

  8. Cant wait for the TED talk tomorrow, they are always so good.

  9. I really want to thank YOU for everything. We are lucky to have you as a teacher and should go bigger and beyond expectations. New beginning. Can't wait for the TED Talk tomorrow.

  10. For any junior who is reading this, it took me a while to realize this, but everything you "make" your students do has a purpose. It isn't a class where the teacher gives you work because he/she wants to be "normal" and give you work like every other teacher. It's all to benefit you. So please do what she wants you to. NONE of it is a waste of time.

  11. Thank you for pushing all of us to be the best students we can be. Today was rough, but tomorrow is a new day, and a new opportunity. I am so ready for the TED Talk tomorrow, but I don't know if anything can beat the one from last week... :)

  12. Im excited for the TED talk tomorrow!

  13. Maz Jobrani, interesting TED Talk. Ready for the next connection to make tomorrow.

  14. Yay for Ted talks! Can't wait to see it!

  15. So pumped for the TED talk tomorrow!!
