Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Shiny Pennies - Daily Journal 10/28

It's so much easier to notice the shiny pennies, isn't it? But in my eternal practice as a sentient being, I must, must, must notice the other pennies too.  I need to recognize that a shiny penny is worth the same as the other one.  They both have the same value.  They both are worth something.  Just because the shiny one catches my eye, the other one deserves my attention too.

But, man, those shiny pennies are so darn pretty.  They sparkle with promise and hope.

I wonder what kind of penny I was when I was 16 and what kind of a penny I am now?  I know that every teacher from age 5 and on tucked me under their protective wings and afforded me opportunities that intersected with my preparedness.  I know that I got to draft off the reputation of my valedictorian sister.  I know that a village raised me.

People walk past pennies everyday don't they?  The little unnoticed denominations that can add up to so much more.  And we just walk on by...

Maybe today some of the pennies in my path got picked up.  Here's hoping.


  1. this warms my heart :) I loved today's activity in class.

  2. Love this so much- Look beyond the surface and see the value underneath. Great lesson today.

  3. Love this also loved class today it made me so happy thank you :))

  4. Love this! Thanks for sharing this with us (:

  5. today's lesson was amazing, while reading my compliments I looked up and saw everyone one smiling at what people said, it warmed my heart. lots of dopamine for us today

  6. Loved the lesson in class today. Really brought us together and warmed my heart!
