Monday, October 26, 2015

Daily Journal


Sometimes being a parent is more than what meets the eye.  Being a mommy or a daddy in the true sense of the word means living through the "yuck" to get to the "yum".  It means long nights rocking a sick child, long days battling tantrums, fights, and attitudes.  It means being present, showing up.  It means administering medicine at 2:30am, clapping at the end of a mediocre school play, or even driving to the store at 9pm because somebody forgot to tell you cupcakes need to made.  

For school.  


Being a parent means you're available for all the ordinary miracles that encapsulate a life.  That you see the slow rise and fall of bodies as they sleep.  That you see the spark of understanding when working on number patterns and ordinals.  That you hear the sweet symphony of dinner being made and eaten, chairs scraping, and screen doors slamming in the clamor to get outside before it gets dark.

Being a parent is the addition of one block of memory at a time until a family is built.  It's the block of movie night and snuggling.  It's the block of a towel fresh from the dryer being wrapped around a slick, shiny body.  It's the block of a knowing glance and an inside joke.

But even if a parent isn't around to experience all the little things, does it mean they're not still a part of you?  Am I not half of my mother and my father, half of commitment and abandonment, half of steadiness and precariousness? 

I often wonder about that.  How much of me is shaped by the father I didn't really know; how much of me is shaped by the father who died almost a year ago in Texas? 

All I do know is this:  I wrap my napkin around my drinks.  And that is proof that he existed. 


  1. This hit me right where it needed to. Thank you for that.

  2. So much love for you and your words and your wisdom. Pure, unquantifiable love.

  3. It's so wonderful how ordinary self sacrifices stem from extraordinary love.

  4. amazing!! cx at 8:00 everyday ill be posting my Daily Journals just trying to make it easier for you.

  5. Your writing and wisdom inspires me. I hope to be as open and honest as you are because it's a truly amazing thing. You're helping a whole lot of people by sharing this. Thank you.

  6. You make me feel the need to appreciate my parents more and more. And make me realize the little things that I have picked up on from them throughout the years. Thank you

  7. "I infinitely sacrifice myself to family, my gift to you is forever love."

  8. No words. This was just beautiful. And I've definitely been that kid to make my mom drive to the store because I needed cupcakes for a bake sale the next day!

  9. Love is all about sacrifices and doing the right thing/kind thing even when no one is watching.

  10. This really got to me. Once again, I am inspired by your words. This might just be a coincidence, but I feel like this was meant to make me think about my own father.

  11. That was amazing Beltran. Made me think about my mom and my biological dad. Once again thanks for sharing.

  12. whatever they do fathers seem to have more of an impact than we would like to allow them to. love for you sharing something we all need to hear at this time.

  13. Looking for inspiration while writing and I FOUND IT. Beautiful words and resonating message. Thank you, Ms. Beltran.

  14. So profoundly deep, raw, and true, I felt the need to read this to my mom so we can give each other that knowing look. Thank you for sharing!

  15. This really resonated with me and reminded me to always give my family the love they deserve, even if at a certain we might not think that they deserve it.

  16. Your vulnerability is so captivating.

  17. This made me think a lot about my parents, and all the sacrifice they do for me and my little sister! thanks for sharing, this was beautiful!
