Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Room 853

Who's out there?  Tell me.

I'm here in our room missing your vibe and your energy.  I did get to see the band this morning (i.e., last year's 6th period - ha!).  Made me miss you and feel kind of bad that I'm still not over you and I have this big day coming up on Tuesday and I think maybe I might like them too...

Stop by seniors.  I'd love a hug.



  1. Hi Ms. Beltran! Nice seeing you this morning! Ready as I'll ever be for Tuesday...

  2. Miss you Beltran...glad I got to see you yesterday. We are gonna have to have a 6th period reunion next year!

  3. Not looking forward to waking up early, but stoked for senior year! Can't wait to see you and catch up next week!

  4. Not looking forward to waking up early, but stoked for senior year! Can't wait to see you and catch up next week!

  5. I'll be by Tuesday with the man bun Beltran *cool guy wearing glasses emoji*

  6. I miss you Ms. Beltran, and I can't wait for our hugging meditations!

  7. I'll be stopping by on Tuesday!!!

  8. We won't be strangers Ms. Beltran! You will start molding the next batch of juniors soon and that will be all the more fun! It was good seeing you.

  9. I'm going to come by tomorrow and give you a hug! I miss you a bunch!

  10. I was told to post a comment anywhere. I chose here.

  11. Hi Ms. Beltran, was nice to meet you today and feel like I have a teacher who knows what shes doing and uses an unorthodox way of getting it done instead of using monotonous work and regurgitation notes. Anyways looking forward to a good year with you!

  12. Hi Ms. Beltran i'm looking forward to having you as my teacher and I hope we have a great year. See you tomorrow! :)

  13. Although I'm not a senior, I was at the band performance at the teacher meeting. I'm looking forward to this year, and you seem like a fantastic teacher whose class I will enjoy immensely!

  14. Hello Ms. Beltran, I'm looking forward to the outstanding experience I am going to have in your class this year.

  15. Hi Mrs. Beltran, I'm looking forward to a great year learning new things and having fun in your class. You seem really cool and I am curious to see what AP Language has to offer!

  16. After meeting you today and hearing so many amazing things about you and your class I am looking forward to such an exciting year.

  17. Ms. Beltran,
    I had a great first day in your class. Thank you for having the most entertaining first day lecture. I look forward to the rest of the year with you and seeing what your class has to offer!

  18. Hello Mrs. Beltran, I'm happy you liked our preformance. I hope you'll look foward to "preformances" when I volenteer or present.

  19. Honestly, was not looking forward to English class because it usually is boring, but you changed that. I'm now looking forward to 7th period because of your positive, energetic,and hilarious self. I'm excited to be your student!!!

  20. Hello,
    My friend Shoshannah B is in your 7th period class with me and unfortunately her phone doesn't let her comment. She wanted me to comment for her after she read your blogs. We love your class already. See you tomorrow.

  21. Hey Beltran,
    Your class was a highlight of my day, and I'm looking forward to a great school year. I want to be a student that you will remember for years to come (in a good way).
