Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Rhetorical Triangle and 9 Rhetors

I love the rhetorical triangle.  I do.  If that makes me a nerd, then make me a t-shirt (size L).

Hope I made sense with the notes today and that it's clear what you are expected to do with creating a question that 9 rhetors/voices answer.

And any of you who didn't email me last night, please do right now.  Right now right now?  Yes, right now right now.

See y'all tomorrow.



  1. I would make you the Tshirt but my artistic skills aren't the best! The notes today made perfect sense.

  2. At first I was completely overthinking the assignment but I realized it wasn't as hard as I was making it!! And by the way the rhetorical triangle made perfect sense today :)

  3. I'm having a lot of fun with the assignment tonight! It definitely isn't as complex as I thought it was going to be :)

  4. I finally figured out a question a while ago! Don't know why I found it so hard! Maybe you will get a t-shirt!

  5. Awesome lesson! Can't wait to see everyone's 9 perspective project.

  6. I have Donald trump as one of my rhetors get excited!

  7. Hey Ms. Beltran! Just wanted to give out a huge thanks for giving us the opportunity of fixing our emails and being able to re-send them. Means a lot most teachers would have just said told us we were wrong, but not "what" was wrong. So thanks again, just wanted to let you know I really appreciated it! :)

  8. Yah to me it made a lot of sense! Thought it was a great assignment see you soon?

  9. Thank you for the examples! The presentations today helped immensley but the notes made it much more clear for me. Funny how that works... -Parker Thiessen
