Tuesday, September 22, 2015

TED Talk Tuesday #2 Benjamin Zander

Benjamin Zander is my boyfriend.  Just saying.  His TED Talk is amazing on so many levels.  Be sure to rewatch, take notes, BE A STUDENT.

In an effort to remind you of my expectations, zoom in on the pictures below.  They are meant to help.

ALSO, we are doing a diagnostic writing assignment tomorrow so have a blue pen and notebook paper.  If you don't have a blue pen, black will do for now.  
And...Daily Journal #2 - topic of your choice.



  1. Not sure if Daily Journal #2 is the same as the journal entries you had us write at the end of last year, but I have been using those journals extensively for my college essays. I cannot thank you enough!

  2. Oh my gosh Mrs. Beltran I loved todays TED talk! Being a pianist, it was really excited to hear what Benjamin Zander was saying. See you tomorrow during 7th:)

  3. Thanks, Jack. They are one in the same. Hope senior year is going well.

  4. Am I on the right blog? Do the writing assignments, you'll thank Beltran later.

  5. Mrs. Beltran I loved todays ted talk I showed it to my parents and they fell in love with it just like me! See you tomorrow, hope you have a good night.

  6. Todays ted talk got me all sorts of emotional, thanks for sharing! btw I understand why Benjamin is one of your boyfriends ;) Sleep well, hope your little girls are healthy and happy!
