Wednesday, November 4, 2015

To My MP

Also known as Daily Journal #45

You are a magnificent soul, and a friend to boot.  I admire the way you carry yourself, conduct your business, walk through your days, drive down that mountain.  I just straight up adore you and not because you're perfect but because you get it.  You know in your heart and soul that stopping at the grocery to buy me almond milk will make my day.  You know in your heart and soul that there's a difference between the truth and a story truth.  You know in your heart and soul the value of a sunrise, a sunset, a homecooked meal, using your voice, cuddling a cat, knowing the world.

I've never met anyone like you and I doubt I ever will.  You see the best in people, you know how to speak well, and you can damn well wear a pair of cowboy boots like the best of them.

When you stop by in the morning and I get a hug or when you slither over during lunch to ask for an eraser, my heart just explodes and I feel all "lit from within" as a wise woman once said.

I had a student a few years ago who really is a dear friend, and we came to realize that the dvd in our lives had just skipped causing me to be almost 2 decades older than her.  But we clicked and we laughed and we had inside jokes and we ate Thai food and we rolled our eyes together at the people who had no idea...yet.

You remind me of her, MP, and I wonder why the dvd skipped again and why I'm 39 and you're not.  But then again some of the most mystical mysteries are the ones that remain unsolved.  I'm just grateful that I know you and that I can call you my friend.

In a world as dark as this one, I can use all the light I can get.

1 comment:

  1. I love the amount of time you spend on each daily journal. And now much love you send to those around you. Great way to start my morning.
