Thursday, November 12, 2015

Outliers Discussion & SAS Tomorrow

So many thoughts swirling about in my head.  At the forefront, Cheryl Strayed and Shonda Rhimes.  Strayed's quote that I read today is so spot on but it is important to remember that we don't know each other's stories do we?  That blows my mind.

Why are some quiet?
Some loud?
Some wanting to be seen?
Some not so much?

Why are some class discussions spot on and others need a little bit of work?


We're all just doing the best that we can with what we've been given.

Check out the link to my SAS about Shonda Rhimes' new book Year of Yes.  It would make a cool gift for you or for someone else.

Be prepared for SAS tomorrow.

A greeting.
The information and its relevance.
A closing with "thank you" at the end so we can clap.

And keep your presentations to 3-5 minutes so we can hear from a wide variety of people on various topics.

Period 7 - if you have discussion suggestions, please email me.  Thanks.



  1. I feel as if I am living a 'little life' as well. I am for sure going to read this book, can't wait.

  2. The love I have for Cheryl Strayed after reading the first two sugar letters in dear sugar. Actual tears came out of my eyes. Emotional stuff man.

  3. Sorry I missed class today I bet there was an interesting discussion on this week's chapter.

  4. I'm bummed I missed both the outliers talk and SAS this week :( I found the Kentucky chapter interesting and SAS is always entertaining with period 6

  5. Just picked up my copy of "Year of Yes"! Can't wait!
