Thursday, March 16, 2017

Peter Singer Discussion

It was very eye-opening listening to you discuss Singer's solution to world poverty.  Thank you for your effort.

Please come to class on Monday with a printed copy of the 3A sample response off of College Board. It's pages 16-18.  We will be reading it and using it in class on Monday.  Please share this request with those of your peers who don't read the blog and help each other out with printing and such.

Tomorrow we will have the last round of SAS for the 6 weeks.  Also, bring your Interesting Stuff Journals to class (periods 4 and 6 ONLY).  Thank you.

And a little Maya Angelou wisdom for those of you who are decades ahead of your peers...It's the wish that drives my days and a wish I have for the best and brightest among the Class of 2018.

"My wish for you is that you continue. Continue to be who and how you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness."
Dr. Maya Angelou


  1. Gosh!!! This blog is soooo crooked!

  2. "You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
    ~Eleanor Roosevelt

  3. Last round of SAS, better make it a good one for my peers.

  4. Cheese Fries and Sriracha isn't too bad.

  5. There's always 2 sides to a coin.

  6. Singer's book Animal Liberation was actually a very interesting and insightful read I must say.

  7. Nobody brought up the fact that you don't solve a country's problems by giving them aide. It's like saying we need to help the poor people in our country by giving them even more benefits and aide than they already get.

  8. I said something in class today :)

  9. You can still have mutual respect and frienships with someone who has different ideas as you :')

  10. I try to be kind. So far, to one person, let's see how it works out.

  11. Track meet today, only on the bus back now. I'll probably be sore tomorrow.

  12. If only I had the time to deeply offend my classmates, being well-prepared of course

    1. I kinda feel like arguing is more to expand than offend but hey maybe both are necessary, in the words of the great Barbara Steinem, "The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off."

    2. Just as the aspiration is to hopefully earn respect for the arguments position, not defeat it.

  13. free time is the enemy of progresses - Casey Neistat Can't Wait for SAS tomorrow

  14. While Singer is a great Princeton professor, he's got some competition in the up and coming professor J. Voigt...

  15. Have you seen G. Kelle's TED Talk? Interesting stuff right there...

  16. Can't believe we have one more 6 week period and we are SENIORS!?! Where have the years gone... ;(

  17. We're not rotisserie chicken guys, no need to "roast" each other, but everyone was fantastic today!

  18. Can't wait for SAS, always a fun end to the week!

  19. Today was great, but now looking forward for tomorrow.

  20. I always love listening to other peoples thoughts and opinions,
    Thanks for today !

  21. It was nice finding new deeper meaning to "they say I'm a dreamer" today in class.

  22. Surely wasn't one of my best many areas for that matter.

  23. Great discussion today, can't wait for SAS tomorrow!!
