Sunday, March 19, 2017

A Few Good Things and A Reminder that Broken People...

First off, Happy Sunday.  I hope you all are enjoying the kind of day you deserve.  One of my former students and I were just texting setting up a coffee date to catch up.  She reminded me of a post I published on another site, and I thought I would share it here.  Read if you'd like or not...

Secondly, did you see Maria Popova's weekly Brainpickings digest?  Is she spying on our class?

And finally, grades aren't posted yet but they will be before the end of the night.

Love and Light,

Monday, February 22, 2016

My Kind of Fashion

I'm not into name brands.  In fact, I think less is more when it comes to I really need to see your logo all up in my face?  I like the classics - a guy in blue jeans and a white t-shirt always does me in...add a dimple or two and a guitar.  Well...

I prefer the color black.  I like solids instead of patterns, and I think a tasteful pair of diamond studs is utter perfection.  And if I had to pick, platinum all the way.  Come to think of it, the 4 c's in diamonds (cut, clarity, color and carat) are a pretty good standard for life.

Cut - Are you fashioned from quality that taught you the difference between right and wrong?

Clarity - Are you clear and transparent to others?  No ulterior motives and angles?

Color - Are you radiating a pureness of light and love? Or are you cloaked in darkness - cloudy and muddled?

Carat - Are you a heavyweight in this world - making your time here on earth not only worth it for you but for others?

My kind of fashion is simple, direct and understated.  My kind of people are too.  The people closest to me aren't showy or braggy, duplicitous or underhanded.  That's why I trust them.  They're certainly not flawless but they are kind and kind people are my jam.

So to the kindness I received today - from the Jamba at lunch to the simple acknowledgement that I exist like "Hello", thank you.  That's my kind of fashion.


  1. Love your 4 c's, although I must admit I'm more of a pearl kind of girl. :)

  2. I never thought of the 4c's that way, super enlightening!

  3. Happy Sunday! Duplicity-wise, I'm assuming Cathy Ames isn't at the top of your friends list.

  4. What if Beltran was Maria Popova??? :O

  5. When I saw the Brain Pickings in my inbox, I thought the same thing! Spookie stuff
