Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Prepping for Wednesday and Thursday and TED Talk Tuesday

Happy Tuesday, lovelies.  I hope your day treated you well. Please stay healthy and get some adequate rest.  I know this is Finals Season but you can only do so much. DRINK LEMON WATER!!

Here's the link for the TED Talk that was shown today.  Make sure you end the semester with a bang and update your chart. 

If you are interested in reading the NYT article about Obama and books, click here.  

And in preparation for class tomorrow, you should have your 2014 packet printed and the sources for Q1 should be read and annotated

On Thursday you will need a copy of the 2014 sample responses for Q1.  Sorry to say that my printer is still on the fritz.  :(  We will be working in groups to read and analyze the model essays that got the higher scores.

Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts!


  1. Some infinities are bigger than others

  2. https://storycorps.org/listen/walter-myers-and-his-son-christopher-myers/

  3. In the spirit of test prep, there is a free SAT class tomorrow and Thursday. It will be held in the ROTC room from 3:00-4:30. No registration is required.

  4. Love Story Corps!!! Dave Isay is a great man!

  5. Yay finals ! .-. I'm actually excited for our class because the topics everyone chose really interest me.

  6. I've watched that TED talk at least two other times and I still teared up while listening to these meaningful, raw conversations.

  7. Thank You Beltran for showing us the Ted Talk today I really enjoyed it. I agree that conversations are important between other people!

  8. I really enjoyed the Ted Talk today!

  9. The conversations in the Ted Talk really touched me, so pure.

  10. "Agape... is the willingness to go to any length to restore community... it is the willingness to forgive, not seven times, but seventy times seven to restore community"
    - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

  11. If you want to listen to any (or more) interviews that were shared in the Ted Talk the link is right here!


  12. Really loved the ted talk from today!

  13. Bless the blog comments! I never knew there were free SAT classes after school! YES.

  14. "Every single life matters equally and infinitely."

  15. At least you made it Obama. With books.

  16. Today's TED really motivated me to finally finish a personal project I started, thank you!
