Monday, January 23, 2017

Monday Monday - Continued

Thank you for completing the Reading Inventory.  Perhaps it will enlighten you and help you with your reading choices.  To read is to engage with stories other than your own.

I'll be making fajitas tonight - just thought I'd share - and reading some Zadie Smith Swing Time.  I wish you well with your studying and finals prep.

For our class, make sure you write your GRADE REFLECTION and give it to me before you leave class tomorrow.  Get your sources and presentation ready for Finals Day.  Sign up for a presentation slot.  Have your Interesting Stuff Journal (with whatever is in it - I'm curious.) Practice dancing?!?!

And, of course, SLEEP and drink some LEMON WATER (which by the way, sorta kinda maybe needs to be warm and done first thing before you eat or drink anything else otherwise the magic might not actually work and for the love of all that is good, try not to do this lemon thing with cold water because we're not supposed to be drinking cold water anyway but I still do it and you probably do too).

Study Hall tomorrow...then FINALS!  Woot woot.  (And to add to the distress, I counted...65 school days to our AP Language exam as of Monday, January 30th!!!!! And only 89 school days total until you're SENIORS and we break up and my heart explodes and I am so sad and...must stop.)

Love and Light,


  1. not looking forward to the breaking up part either 😭

  2. Reflection due tomorrow? Oh boy.. Sleep can wait !

  3. Fajitas are yummy for my tummy while I'm comfy cozy in some blankets while typing up my reflection...I think I'll make some tonight as well

  4. Is it bad that I have never had fajitas?

  5. im gonna need some more lemons if i plan on making it through this week alive...

  6. It's gonna be some of the shortest 89 school days of my life.

  7. I'm still exhilarated that I got computer #13

  8. See ya tomorrow ! Hope you loved those fajitas

  9. I came home to chopped lemons everywhere...the universe is telling me something. Ps shoutout to Ian it was his birthday today.

  10. Hmm fajitas... I'm now going to have to try and make a vegetarian version because frankly, it sounds delicious! Hope you enjoy yours :)

  11. to be honest i hate lemons so i'm sticking with essential oils

  12. also, you just made me sad because now i just realized how short of a time i have with you left.

  13. We're almost halfway there, folks
