Monday, February 4, 2019

Meet Me in the PAC Tomorrow...

...I'll be the one in black.  :)

Check in with me before the presentations please.

Wednesday we will return to class and watch our TED Talk and then Thursday we will start our reading of American Like Me. Or maybe no TED Talk and just diving right in to the essays on what it means to be American.

By the way, Run For Cover Bookstore down in OB (4912 Voltaire St.) has an entire shelf dedicated to our book list.  I know spending money on books is a luxury but if you have the means, supporting a local independent bookstore is pretty much the cat's meow. Also, brainstorm: comment if you would be interested in winning a gift certificate/gift card for there. 

Wishing you a glorious rest of your day.  I'll see y'all tomorrow in the PAC.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Le Freak" CHIC


  1. Marianne is the best!! And a gift card would be awesome!!

  2. May we all live through the boring PAC speech tomorrow. - Bryce Alvar

  3. The bookstore is soooo cute, went in there a couple of weeks ago

  4. Gift cards from book stores are my favorite! I got my mom her Christmas present from Run for Cover. She loves it! -Retta

  5. Love Run for Cover! I think a gift card giveaway is a super cool idea!!

  6. Yes! I have been wanting to go to that bookstore!

  7. Yes, a gift card giveaway is a great idea!

  8. Yes! Never been but I am sure it is an awesome store.

  9. i really cant wait (note my sarcasm) to sit in the PAC tomorrow. and i would totally be interested in the gift card! my to be read list is miles long

  10. I hope you have a good night:] Excited to see your new haircut tomorrow since I was unfortunately at Correia in Seattle “Lamplight Books” in Pike Place Market is a really nice used-book store.

  11. I definitely need to check out the bookstore. The gift card giveaway sounds like an awesome idea!

  12. Yes! Would definitely give me motivation to go to a bookstore. -Kayla Hatashita

  13. Is there a good way to comment on a gift card giveaway without sounding materialistic? Asking for a friend.

  14. I would love to check out the bookstore <3 -Nyoka Martinezcuello

  15. Ya, I think anyone would love a free gift card/gift certificate! It looks like a cute store.

  16. A gift card to the store would be a great idea! I tried going today but it was unfortunately closed:( I’ll be back tomorrow!

  17. I think a gitcard giveaway would be great, I look forward to helping a local shop!

  18. Buying books is a crazy concept to me, so a gift card giveaway would be awesome!

  19. I’ll make sure to check out the bookstore soon! Also a gift card from there would be amazing! See you tomorrow

  20. Definitely interested in a gift card

  21. A gift card to that store would be great. I need to get back into better reading habits.

  22. Definitely interested in a gift card!! I’ve been wanting to check out the store and I hopefully will this weekend!

  23. I think earning a gift card there would be fun. The book store looks so cute and I've always wanted to go there

  24. sounds like a neat place to check out and yea gift card/certificate sounds like a great idea

  25. I’ve never been in Run for Cover before, but I’m definitely gonna stop by!
    - Heather Hirsch
