Saturday, February 2, 2019

It's Raining

Happy Saturday, Lovelies -

I just hopped on to say hi and to wish you all a happy rainy weekend day away from school.  I am currently taking a break from reading your Holiday Letters.  In line with sympathetic joy, I am so hopeful that all of your goals come true.  Happy, whole people make the world a better place.

I started my morning off with the chopping off of my hair.  Just felt like it.  And I am convinced there is some sort of allergen in my room because my eyes have been red and itchy all week but magically, they clear up by the time I am halfway home.  So, don't be surprised if you see me Monday with less hair, some eye drops and my glasses.  :)

Enjoy the rest of your day and know I am beaming you all some standard issue love and light.

Beltran (future inhabitant of Magical Bungalow B6)

P.S. - In case I failed to mention it, I'll have a table of FREE stuff every Wednesday (unless cancelled) at noon.  I'm Marie Kondo-ing my classroom.   


  1. I can’t wait to see your new hair cut!! :))

  2. The rain this weekend was very refreshing. Maybe it's just me, but reading books on a rainy day is beyond satisfying. Hope everyone had a great gloomy weekend. Oh and if anyone watched the Super Bowl hop you enjoyed that too. - Samantha Francisco

  3. Can’t wait to see you with the new hair cut! I hope you enjoyed the rainy weekend! -Bryce Alvar
