Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Happy Reading Day

Thank you to the Lovelies who showed up to class and read.  I hope the time was well spent.  Before I talk about tomorrow, I wanted to share a few personal thoughts.

Y'all know I am a mama to two very precocious little ladies - one who would rather shoot hoops than sit with a book and one who seems like a guru trapped in the meatsuit of a child.  I want for them the same things I want for each of you - truly.  I want them to know their value and worth separate from accomplishments or appearance and I want them to be healthy (mentally, physically, spiritually) and happy. 

I want this for you too because a world of broken, lost, fearful people doesn't do any good.  So, if my daughters were picking their senior year classes, I would encourage them with some homemade guacamole (shout out Miss Bobbi - yes, we named our avocado tree).  We'd snack on some grain free chips (Shout out Siete Family Foods - google them my lovelies) and guac and I would listen to them and then offer this advice:

Look at what you prioritize for yourself. 

What do you love?
What are you good at?
What does the world need?
What will get you paid?

The intersection of these 4 answers is your reason for being.

Not all of you love learning in a classroom setting.  Not all of you breathe books.  Not all of you would feel unbalanced without a pen and paper.  And that's okay but don't paint yourself in a corner and sign up for classes that don't fit into your wheelhouse.

I happen to love reading, language, books, learning.  I happen to be good at public speaking, reading a crowd, thinking on the fly, being creative, and seeing things some people miss.  The world needs kindness and empathy.  I make a nice income by educating.

If you don't know what you love, pay attention to what makes you lose track of time.  And if the only answers that pop up are sleeping and mindlessly scrolling the internet, I honestly don't know how to help.  But certainly there's something.

I hope to see you all tomorrow and I hope this simple post has been a reminder that only you have the power to be happy.  If you want to go to college, you will.  There is a school for you. 

Start learning for learning's sake.
Stop chasing grades.
Stop making excuses.
Become the kind of student you know you can be - a student of life who is curious, empathetic and kind. 

Rant over. (By the way, if you are interested in the concept of ikigai, email me.)

If you want to check out a copy of American Like Me, stop by my room tomorrow at NOON.

Bring your notes to class tomorrow.  Assessment Time.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Always Be My Baby" by Mariah Carey


  1. It genuinely makes me smile that you care so much. Thank you, a thousand times thank you! I hope you have a beautiful week! -Bryce Alvar

  2. Tim Tamashiro really knows his stuff! -Retta

  3. "American Like Me" just keeps on getting better and better, I loved reading in class today, Thank you.
