Wednesday, February 13, 2019

American Like Me Discussion Tomorrow

Hi, Lovelies -

I certainly love teaching you but nothing beats seeing you with books...reading.  I don't say it enough, but thank you.  I hope you're learning something or considering things in a different way.  One of my all-time favorite book characters, dear old Boo Radley, said it best at the end of To Kill A Mockingbird didn't he?

To prep for tomorrow, please have thought out answers to the questions I posted on Monday's second blog post.  You don't need to have essays written, but I am expecting more than some "off the top of your head" answers.

In terms of groups, we will organize based on what essays people have read so be willing to share that.  And looking ahead, start thinking about an essay that resonates with you the most.  I have a couple that spoke to the core of who I am because of content and style, and I am intrigued by what is (or isn't) catching your eye.

Also, Mr. Posternack will be stopping by each of my classes to chat with you about AP Literature.  FYI.  If you have any questions, be ready to ask them.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "This Old Heart of Mine" by The Isley Brothers


  1. I hope second period is ready for tomorrow!! Sharing will definitely be a blast!! - Bryce Alvar

  2. Every time I open up American Like Me I'm reminded of what an amazing book it is, but also about the importance of writing about authentic and cultural experiences. I missed not being able to come to class today, but I'm excited for our class discussion tomorrow. Should be interesting.
