Tuesday, September 18, 2018

TED Talk Tuesday - And the Promethean Board Just Died

It's vital to always have an attitude that is adaptable so this morning (like 5 minutes ago) when I turned on the Promethean Board and IT DIED, I decided to just go with a different plan.

Until we get it fixed, access the TED Talk HERE. I assume most (if not all) of you have Me Machines so after our lesson today and our rhetor research, enjoy Shawn Achor.  He's amazing.

Make sure you rewatch the video and take quality notes before next Tuesday.  And don't worry about all the different requirements for notes...I haven't taught you devices or appeals or the 5 Canons...yet.

Have a great Tuesday.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Walking on Sunshine: Katrina & The Waves


  1. I thought they were called Meme Machines this whole time

    1. There was a huge debate period 4 last year about that. Me Machines. 😊

    2. I’ve been thinking the same thing this whole time

  2. I loved the TED Talk today. It’s always important to be reminded that positivity exsists even when we can’t see it. Thank you!

  3. Loved today’s ted talk! It was so funny!
