Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Marina Keegan - Stability in Motion

Today in class you received a copy of Marina Keegan's "Stability in Motion", a chapter in her book The Opposite of Loneliness (on your First Semester Book List).  You are to research her (image, bio, accomplishments, job, etc.) and then "Adler" up the text paying particular attention to the rhetorical devices (use the list from the project to help you).

Tomorrow in class you are expected to OWN this text - talk about it, write about it, think about it.  Thanks in advance for that.

Since a slew of you were absent (where were you?) you will need to get a copy from me in class when you return.

And as long as we're on the subject of school absences, I absolutely understand that life happens - illness, family emergencies, etc. - but you are a vital part of the energy and magic of Room 853 so I guess I just want you to know you were missed.

For those of you who had an APUSH test, I hope you did your best.  That's all you can ask of yourself.  Try to remember that chasing grades will leave you exhausted, but pursuing learning will propel you toward success (however YOU define it).

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "You're the One That I Want" Grease Soundtrack


  1. I was sad that the music didn’t work today. I hope that tomorrow wil be a little more musical- Bryce Alvar

  2. I was already interested in reading "The Opposite of Loneliness", and after reading a bit about Marina Keegan I'm looking forward to it even more... after I finish the book we aren't supposed to know about, of course.

  3. I just realized I never said thank you for playing my recommended song! I love the Bee Gee's and I loved dancing to it yesterday :)
