Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Fiction as a Fight Song

Thank you for watching the TED Talk today. Elif Shafak has a lot of powerful things to say.  Rewatch, annotate the transcript, and absorb her words. 

"Knowledge that takes us not beyond ourselves is worse than ignorance."

Tomorrow we will meet in the back of the Library for Articulation.  FYI.

Thursday you need to come to class with an annotated Book List (have some research done) and be ready to chat about books and receive your first "Power to the Packet" Packet.  

I'll see y'all soon.

Love and Light,

Today's Song: "Fight Song" Rachel Platten


  1. Articulation conferences? So soon? Now? Panic and adrenaline is setting in.

  2. Shafak and Adichie would be gal pals, no doubt. Even Angelou... "We are more alike than we are different." Add him into this club: https://youtu.be/us8f_d31a7U

    Sorry to flex on y'all, juniors.. but I live for these connections

    1. This was so powerful. Thank you.

    2. Just watched brian sokol's talk it really adds to the idea of a single story and what that really means. Thank you for exposing me to a topic I otherwise wouldn't have thought to think more about.

  3. TED Talk today was extremely powerful and eye opening!!

  4. Wow senior year is coming up soon, cant believe we are halfway done already!

  5. Sad that I missed out in class, but this talk gave me a nice excuse to stop watching SOTU...yikes.
